Chapter 4- The Date

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"Hurry up!" I yelled out the wi.Dow in front of Kristins house honking the horn. "Ugh I'm gunna go in and get her." I said and got out Andy followed. I stopped so he could catch up and grabbed his hand. "She is gunna flip when she sees you and her little sister......just be prepared because she hasn't told her Abe knows you yet and she introduced her little sister to BVB lime a year ago and she ia totally and compleatley in love with you she told me she was going to merry tu one day just a heads up." I said then knocked on the door. "Well this should be fun." He said when Ally ,Kristins little sis, opened the door and screamed. "Ohmygawd its Andy flipping Biersack!" She screamed and hugged him. He laughed and hugged her back. She was short so thankfully she wasn't tall enough for her arms to be anywhere near his ribs. Kristin bounded down the stairs excitedly and pulled Ally off of Andy. "Ally calm your shit be is taken." She said smiling and hugging him. "Oh my gosh you are dating Andy and you didn't tell me!" She yelled at Kristin. "No Luna is dari.g Andy and it is none of your business who Andy dates." She said getting posses at how rude Ally was being. "Fuck you both of you!" She yelled and started to turn around and run but Kristin grabbed her by the arm and smacked her in the face. "Go to your room now I'm telling mom when she gets home and if I find out you stepped foot out of your room while I am gone your dead." She said releasing her. "Kristin was that really necessary?" I asked with a sigh. "She has been told she isn't aloud to cuss especially not at peps and she does it anyway how else is she going to learn?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. "Well I understand that but imbarissing her in front of her biggest celebrate crush? That's not right how would you feel if Mom did that to you in front of Billie?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.(I called her mom mom.) "What do you want me to do about it now its already done?" She asked her voice raising. "Don't fucking yell at me you bitch!" I said shoving her. "Bitch!" She yelled a.d pushed me back. "Ex-fucking-scuse you!" I yelled and went to slap her but Andy pulled me back. "Ya you little bitch just hide behind Andy like you always do!" She yelled trying.g to get around Andy to me. Andy lightly shoved Kristin back trying.g to stay calm. "Kristin I dont want to be in this just let it go and shit the door." He said calmly. "No I'm not going to fucking let it ho she is trying to tell me how to raise my sister like she knows abate goes on when she isn't here I'm not going to just calm down and close the door." She said trying to get around him. "Kristin." He warned and I felt him tighten. She hit him in the face and I grabbed his arm. "Andy we need to go." I begged. "Luna I'm not like Ronnie I'm not going to hit a girl." He said turning around and walking tword the car. "Fine just leave like a little pussy see if I care!" She yelled and slammed the door. When I got in the car I started bawling. It was the first real fight we bad ever got into. Andy pulled me iver into his lap and let me cry he didn't say anything just sat there running his fingers through my hair and rocking me back and forth. I hurried my face in his chest and started crying even harder. "I'm done Andy I mist want it to end all of it I'm so close I'm about to get out the razors Andy I cant do this much longer." I said between sniffs a.d whimpers. "No Luna you cant I don't care what I ha e to do you aren't going to cut again not on my watch I cant just set a.d watch you do it again last time I acted like I didn't notice but I cant do it again I cant wake up every day wondering if you are still alive and praying to God the whole time you are in the shower that you dont take aa razor apart and kill yourself I cant go through it again." He begged. "I will try Andy but....I'm not sure I can." I said "No you cant I I would kill myself if you died I cant li e knowing you are dead and its. ecaise of something I could ha e prevented." He said holding back tears. I loomed him in the eyes. "Andy Dennis Biersack if I kill myself I want you to know no matter how much you don't want to beleave it if I kill myself it will be no one else's fault no one else's choice but mine no matter what happens." I said. "Luna don't say that." He said. "Why not its true." I said shrugging. "Luna is this some game to you we are talking about life and death here you need to take this seriousley dont just shrug it off ad need to talk about this I don't usually make you talk about things you don't want to but this needs to ne talked about before you really do it." "Andy I don't want to talk about it I want to go on this date have fun maby bum a drink or two and go home I want to ha e fun I'm tired of being depressed." I said getting back in my seat and buckling my seat belt. "Fine but our list of stuff we need to talk about is getting pretty long and we are going to have to talk about all of this stuff some time or another and on that first part se aren't getting drinks I stopped and I'm afraid if I let you drink like this you might hurt yourself or someone else." He said starting.g the car. "Fine." I said and leaned my head back trying my best to hold back my tears.

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