Chapter 11-

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(A/N Hey guies If you don't know already I'm writing another fan fic its called You musen't be satisfied and its a PTV fan fic I'm only goimg to write a few more chapters on this I know I said that before but I feel like I kind of left you guys hanging by just stopping like that so I'm going to write a few more I hope you guys like it)

*3 weeks after the wedding*

We were doing great I loved being merried to Andy. We had got an apartment so that's where we had been after we left Ashley's parents lake house.

"Hey baby do you know where the straightener is?!" I yelled from the bathroom. "Ya its in my hand I'm using it." He answered from our bedroom floor which is where he got ready. We had a full body mirror and he sat infront of that so he didn't get in my way. "Oh well hurry babe were gunna be late." I said walking in and setting on the bed. "I dont even get why we have to go." He complained. "Because she wants us to come and I'm her best friend." I said. "So every time we go somewhere with them Vic ends up getting lost on the way there or something comes up and they are late or cant make it." He said unplugging the straightener. "I know babe but just be nice he just wants to be friends and you act like he is trying to chop off your left nut." I said and he smiled. "I know its just really awkward we dont have any of the same interests he loves the guitar and soccer and I love singing and well I hate sports so we aren't even on the same universe there." He said following me into the bathroom. "Ok well you like ugh me right?" I asked. "Ya." He said like it wad the most stupid question ever. "Well Vic likes Krissy talk about us." I said. "Luna we aren't girls we don't talk about stuff like that." He said rolling his eyes. "Ok fine just both of you set there and stare at me and Kristin the whole time like you do every time we go out." I said getting kind of pissed. "Do you think we enjoy setting there listning tob you guys talk about the possibility of you guys making a band and stupid stuff we did in the past that you saw on the Internet before you guys even knew us." He said. "What is wrong with you?! You have been acting like a dick the past week what crawled up your ass and died?!" I yelled. "You! You have been acting like a bitch for the past week!" He yelled. "Ex-fucking-scuse you what did you just call me?!" I yelled. "I called you a bitch!" He yelled back. Fuck this I'm done. "Ya well if I'm such a bitch then why did you marry me huh?!" I yelled and pushed past him into our room. I grabbed a bag and started throwing stuff in it. "Where the hell are you going?!" He yelled. I took a deep breath I didn't want to fight with him right now. "I'm going to Kristins for a little while." I said and picked up my bag and grabbed the keys. I looked back at him when I got to the door. He was standing in the door way of our bedroom tears pooling up in his eyes. He looked so hurt and broken I just wanted to hug him but I couldn't not after what just happened. "Andy I'm sorry and I love you but we need to spend a couple of days apart." I said and stood there for a second to hear his response. He just stood there wide eyed tears about to overflow. "Bye Andy I will be back in a couple of days I have my phone if you want to talk about it." I said then walked out.

I have been at Krissys for about three days and I'm crying my eyes out. I cant believe this is really happening we have only been married three weeks! Krissy walked in and sat next to me. "Do you want to talk about it hun?" She asked quietly and started rubbing my back. "No." I mumbled into the pillow. "Ok well I'm here if you need me." She said. "Ok." I said "Are you hungry?" She asked. "Kristin shut up I don't want anything just leave me alone!" I yelled. She jumped at my sudden outburst. She looked like she was going to cry. "Ok." She said and got up. "Kris wait...I'm sorry I'm just really upset right now." I said quietly. She nodded then walked out. I laid back down and started crying even harder. Why did I have to be such a bitch? Maby Andy was right maby I have been acting like a bitch. "Kristin?" I said quietly hoping she was still close enough to hear. I waited a couple minutes then she came in slowly. "What?" She asked I could tell she had been crying. I got up and hugged her as tight as I could. "I'm sorry." I said. "Its ok I understand." She said softly and hugged me back. "Kristin we need to talk about...well a lot." I said. She nodded and sat down. "Ok first off I need to ask you some questions and I want you to be one hundred percent honest." I said. She nodded. "Ok so first Andy said I have been acting kind of ......well like a bitch lately is that true?" I asked. She sat there for a second thinking. "Well maby a little." She said. " umm next question....what do you think I should do about the arguement I mean I don't just want to go right back and act like it didn't happen but I feel so empty without him?" I asked. "Well I think you should stay here tonight for sure to give him time to sort it out then tomorrow call him and talk about it." She said. "Ok that could work and I have one last question and I need you to he honest no matter what." I said. She bit at her bottom lip nervously. "Ok." She said finally. "Ok are you...umm....jelous of Andy?" I asked. She sat there staring at me in shock but then it faded and I could tell she was thinking how to tell me. I sat there pationtly while she sorted it out. "Well...ummm...I am sometimes I guess. I mean we were best friends we spent every single day together and now I only see you once a week and Vic complains the whole way there and back he says him and Andy have nothing in common and he said he is to quiet." She said. I nodded. "Ok I will talk to him about that all of it." I said. She nodded "I'm not saying I'm not happy for you guys its just I feel like we are growing apart." She said. "I understand how you feel." I said and hugged her. "I dont know how this happened Kris we were so happy then we just blew up that has never happened before well once when I beat the shit out of Britney for being a bitch and he yelled at me but we have never got into a fight like this where we are just mad at each other and not protecting each other." I said. I wanted to start crying again. "I know hun but that's what happens you guys are married now you have to live with each other share an apartment. All the things you saw at his house and you were like hmm that's odd or eww that's disgusting but you didn't really worry about it because it wasn't your house well that same stuff is gunna happen there but this time you have to deal with it and it will get frustraiting and you guys will get into fights but if you love each other as much as it seems then it will be totally worth it." She said. I sighed "I know and we do love each other it just gets stressful sometimes." I said. "I know and it will but like I said it will be worth it." She said. I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Krissy I love you." I said. "Your welcome honey and I love you to." She said hugging me back. My phone went off and I checked it. It was a text from Andy.

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