Chapter 12- He's back

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"I can't pee with you staring at me like that." I said. We had went to walmart and got a pregnancy test. "Sorry." He mumbled and looked away. I sighed "I cant pee." I said. He turned on the sink and splashed the water at me. I started laughing then started peeing. "It actually worked." I said still laughing. He chuckled. "Here hold it for a second." I said. "No I'm not holding your pee stick." He said scrunching his face up. I sighed and sat it on the back of the toilet. When I was done I washed my hands and walked into the bedroom pacing nervously. I was biting at my nails and he walked in. He wrapped his arms around me and looked into my eyes. "I want you to know no matter what that test says I will still love you and if there is a baby in there then I will love it until the day I die and I swear I will stick with you through it all its going to be fine no matter what. I will still love you you will still love me everything will be the same but you cant drink but if you are pregnant it will be so worth it when we hold that baby in our arms." He said then kissed me passionately. "I love you Andy so much." I said and felt a tear slide down my cheek. He wiped it away. "I love you to baby now lets go see if we have a bun in that oven." He said with a smile. I nodded and followed him to the bathroom. We both stood there neither of us wanted to look. "We can look at the same time." I said. He nodded and held my hand. "One two three." I counted down and we both looked at the same time. I squealed and he hugged me. "We aren't having a baby!" I squealed. He smiled and tried to kiss me but I pulled away quickly. "Wait if I'm not pregnant than that means I'm sick because you don't just puke for no reason." I said. "Well if you are I already will be to because we have ready kissed several times." He said and tried to kiss me again. "No I still don't want to push it if I am sick who would take care of us if we are both sick?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "I dont know Santa Clause." He said with a shrug. "Well this is our house now and you are the man of the house ,therefore; you would be Santa Clause so he couldn't take care of us." He rolled his eyes. "Well Santa Clause is Santa Clause ,therefore; I am not him so I can kiss you all I want." He said and kissed me before I could move. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my hips. "Sneaky bastard." I said with a smile before going back to his lips. He smiled and picked me up. He carried me to bed and threw me down. He crawled on top of me and started kissing me again. He licked at my bottom lip for access but I denied. Why not tease him its fun. He bit at my bottom lip gently. He bit a little harder but I still didn't budge. He poked my side which he knew always made me squeal and as soon as I did he snuck in. I tangled my fingers in his hair and wrapped my legs around his waist. There was a loud bang downstairs and we jumped apart. I looked at Andy wide eyed. 'Stay here.' He mouthed and he crept down the stairs and if course I didn't listen to him I was clinging to his arm. He quietly walked to the door and looked through the peep hole. "No ones out there go upstairs and do not come out until I come and get you." He ordered and I nodded running upstairs. I ran and hid in the closet. I heard a bang then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It wasn't Andy it was to loud. My heart skipped a beat and I ran out quietly. I grabbed my phone off the charger and bolted back into the closet. I shut the door quietly and texted Krissy.

*Someone broke into the house I think they shot Andy I'm not sure but call 9-1-1 and tell them what happened fast they are coming up the stairs-L

*I called they are on the way.-K

I turned my phone off and sat it next to me so it wouldn't make any noise. I curled up in the back corner and covered myself as well as I could with one of Andy's jackets. I heard the door knob to the bedroom turn and someone walk in. I covered my mouth hoping they couldn't hear my muffled sobs. I closed my eyes and curled even tighter under the jacket when I heard the closet door knob turn. "Luna come out come out wherever you are." I heard a male voice say. Wait how do they know my name. Wait that voice was familiar. "Oh come on baby didn't you miss me?" It was Ronnie oh God I thought he was in prison. He jerked the jacket off of me and grabbed my arm. "Ronnie listen I don't know what your ma-" I was stopped by him slapping me. He threw me on the bed. "You don't know what I'm mad about?" He growled. "I'm mad because you left me for that piece of shit and now your gunna know how bad it hurts to lose someone you love." He said then a man drug Andy in by his arm. He was limping and holding his stomach. I gasped and looked away. Ronnie held my head so I had to look at him. The guy let him go and he fell to the ground. "Get up you little shit." The guy growled at Andy and kicked him. I flinched and Ronnie chuckled. "Ronnie please stop its me you want not him take me please just leave him alone." I begged. "Oh I'll get to you love this is just the beginning." Ronnie said. The guy kicked Andy one more time. "Ok now John come on lets give these two lover's time to say their last goodbyes." Ronnie said and threw me at Andy. They left the room and I sat up. I crawled to the closet and called 9-1-1 telling them everything that happened. They said Krissy had already called and they were almost here. I let out a sigh of releaf and crawled over to Andy. "Andy baby are you ok?" I asked looking at his lifeless body. He nodded lightly "Ya." He managed. "Did you get shot?" I asked. He nodded and his eyes started to close. I head sirens and I shook him. "No baby please they are almost here please don't leave me I need you please." I begged shaking him. He forced his eyes open. "Andrew you can do this for me you can do it." I said. His eyes opened a little more and I helped him set up. "Baby the ambulance is almost here the cops are on the way just a couple more minutes." I said. He nodded and winced. I took his face in my hands when he tried to look down at the bullet wound in his stomach. "Andy do you remember that time you took me swimming and we got caught in the current and you told me you were there for me no matter what you would always love me?" I asked. He nodded and a small smile appeared on his face. "And dancing with Addy at the wedding and that night when I fell off the bed while you were kissing me?" I giggled at the memory and his eyes started to close again. I shook him slightly. "Andy please." I said shaking him a little harder. It took more effort this time but he forced them back open. I heard the door being broke in downstairs. "Oh what about that time the bird pooped on me and the first day we met when you looked into my eyes you were singing rebal love song sing it with me love." I started singing softly and he sang along as well as he could then he started to slow and he started to go limp. "Think about our fans Andy how crushed they would be." I said shaking him. He nodded and started singing again. He stopped then fell limp in the floor. "Andy no!" I screamed and pulled his lifeless body into my lap. "Andy please come back please!" I begged wiping the hair out of his face. "Is anyone up there its the police!" I hears a man yell up the stairs. "Yes help please help my husband is dying!" I yelled. I heard him say something but I wasn't paying attention. "Andy please." I begged I put my ear to his chest. I could hear a very light beat but it wasn't normal not as strong. "Andy baby please please don't leave me here please you promised you would never leave me." I sobbed. The paramedics rushed in with a stretcher. "Ma'am were going to need you to move." The lady said sweetly but sternly. I nodded but just sat there. "Ma'am now he is dying." She said. One of the paramedics pulled me away from him and I started freaking out. "No Andy!" I yelled and started kicking and screaming his name.

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