The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Nicholas rubbed his temples with the tips of his fingers and tried not to groan aloud at the pain throbbing through his head. 

He has been at his desk for hours. His gaze flicked to the gold watch attached to his wrist. Five hours to be exact.  Yet even as he sat facing the man who held his annual profits firmly within his grasp, Nick couldn't stop his thoughts from wandering to the petite blonde who was in his house.

What was she doing? How was she coping with the children? Nick almost cursed out loud. How could he have left his children at home with a person he did not even know?

Even as the doubts passed through his mind, Nick kept his face placid and calm. His guest didn't even appear to note his distraction. Instead he carried on talking. There was nothing the man liked to do more than talk.

"Nico, I didn't mean to cause any offence but my board have some legitimate concerns. You are young. You do not have the years of experience that Marshalls holds." Markos explained, his hands waving through air as he spoke.  "It's not personal, it's just business."

Nick leant forwards and levelled his penetrating stare on the greying man before him. Originally from Greece, the Giannopoulos family were dominant presence in much of Europe. They dabbled in many areas, from hotels to construction. Their name was attached to many lucrative industries. It was why he was not willing to allow a small thing like his age come between him and a profitable partnership.

At just forty five, the man before him was one of the wealthiest people in the world. Not that he looked the part of a wealthy billionaire – if there was such a look.  Markos was dressed in a pair of blue knee length shorts, white t-shirt and a pair of flip flops. He looked like he was going to spend the day at the beach rather than an office.

"If it wasn't personal, you wouldn't be quoting my age back at me. Marshall's may have been around longer than I have but that doesn't mean they're any good at what they do. We all know that Marshalls are all talk – in business and in other ways too. They cut too many corners and in the end you would be the one paying for their shortcomings." Nick allowed his lips to twitch up in the corners to lessen the sleight at his rival. "If you were thinking like a businessman you would be begging me to complete this merger and offering me your first born too."

Markos was silent for several long moments before he leant back in his seat, his whole body shaking with the force of his laughter.  "I knew there was a reason I liked you." 

Nick said nothing. He just watched and waited.

"I'll give you a chance.  You need to prove to my board you are the right man for this deal." Markos advised, leaning his elbows on the arms of the chair so he could rest his chin on his hands. "They are older and are a more conservative group of men. There must be no more of these women – you know what I am talking about Nico. If you are going to a function, go alone or at least turn up with a woman who looks respectable. Half of business is keeping up appearances - something I thought you understood."

Nick opened his mouth to speak but he found himself pinned in place by the older man's hard stare.

"Don't argue with me. It's the way the world works and so far you have done a good job at navigating it. You've made your fortune and made yourself a celebrity too but the test will be in maintaining it. To be taken seriously by my board and the rest of the business world, you need to be taken seriously as a man."  With his wisdom imparted and with a last wave of his hand, the older man pushed up from his seat. "Now if you don't have anything constructive to add, I have a wife at home who is waiting for me. Good night, Nico."

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