The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 6

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Nick stared at the woman perched on his sofa, her eyes staring off as something in the distance even as her fingers stroked through Delilah's hair.

After her day off last week, she had been different. Not that Nick knew much about his new housekeeper, he still hadn't managed to bring himself to open the envelope, but even he could discern that there was something wrong. Still, she had come home, spent time with the children as promised with a smile on her face. It was only now, in quiet moments when the children were not watching, the mask slipped and he got to see the troubled woman underneath the façade.

There was definitely something wrong with her.

Noting his gaze upon her, she offered a smile which did not reach her eyes and then glanced away again. Her hair was down today instead of her usual top knot and she was wearing a casual summer dress due to the unusually warm weather they had been experiencing. It was her day off, his day with the children but she had advised him of no plans, instead choosing to immerse herself within the children. And by extension, she was choosing to spend time with him.

Nick frowned and glanced down at his children who were lying in her lap, content to be mothered and doted upon. She did that for them. She cared for them in the small ways which mattered like stroking Delilah's hair after she had woken from a bad dream or kissing Tommy's finger when he had accidently shut it in the cupboard door. Small things he had glimpsed for himself but they made a big difference to his children. And if Nick was being completely honest with himself, they made a big difference to him too.

None of her predecessors had ever taken the time to truly care for his children, to go that extra mile to make sure that the kids enjoyed being in her company. The others had just been another member of staff, one for the kids to loathe and run rings around and yet here she was, a dainty little woman, making his children fall in love with her.

"Would you like a something to eat? I'm going to make the kids some lunch?" she murmured, nudging Delilah to the side so she could get to her feet. Tommy had fallen asleep, his thumb in his mouth as he slept on.

Betsy's tired eyes met Nick's for just a second as she waited for him to answer. He hesitated and then shook his head allowing her to leave the room. There was no happy bounce to her step like there had been that first week. They needed to talk – there was really no avoiding it if they were going to make this something more than temporary.

Nick glanced down at the two children laid beside him. Tommy's mouth hung open, giving little snores with each inhale, while drool escaped down his cheek. Delilah content to be watching the television, her fingers absently twirling strands of her hair.

His eyes lifted back up to the doorway Betsy had disappeared through.

The decision was already made.

Nick gave it a few long seconds before he too stood from the comfort and warmth of the sofa.

"I'll just go and see if Ms Betsy needs any help with lunch. I'll be back in a minute." He muttered, getting nothing more than grunt in response before Tommy buried his face into the cushion and resumed his snoring.

Delilah didn't even notice his leaving. Her eyes were firmly on the TV screen.

Shaking his head, Nick resolved that his children would spend less time in front of the TV if it was the last thing he did. First thing first, he had to deal with his housekeeper.

Entering the kitchen, Nick was unsurprised to see every surface gleaming. Ms Reed was off visiting her family so Betsy had taken it upon herself to maintain the pristine state of the kitchen in her absence. He had caught her at midnight the night before, down on her hands and knees, her small hands covered in vibrant pink gloves as she scrubbed the kitchen floors. She definitely didn't shy away from work and Nick would be lying if he said he hadn't spent a few minutes watching her work before announcing his presence, watching her bottom sway side to side as she scrubbed in time to the music playing in her earphones.

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