The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 9

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First impressions were everything. Betsy had only heard from Nick that the family they were going to meet were Greek and that it was essential he made a good impression. Thus, upon entering the restaurant, the only preconceptions she had were of the 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' kind.

And it wasn't that far off of the truth.

There were lots of people and there was lots of noise. Betsy could hear it before they even got close to the table but all of it was light and friendly banter that only a family could exchange with one another without causing hurt feelings or starting a brawl in the middle of the restaurant.

The small family approached the table only to find they were the last ones to the party. There were at least twelve people seated already and a few children danced between the chairs as they chattered to the adults. There were no other diners at this end of the restaurant but Betsy was glad. Whereas the rest of the restaurant had been classy and elegant yet strangely cold, this energetic and lively family gave the place a more comfortable and welcoming vibe.

Betsy was all too aware on the arm that was now wrapped around her waist as they stopped before the open chairs, the strong hold pulling her into the warmth of a very male and strong body. She knew that without her make-up she would have been displaying a rosy blush but even so her face felt hot. 

A man in an ocean blue shirt stood and smiled wide at Nicholas, his arms held wide. "You made it," he called out jovially. His cheeks flushed from either alcohol or good humour as he freed himself from his seat. "I thought for a moment you were going to chicken out."

Markos Giannopoulos stepped close and embraced Nick, wrapping his arms around. Nick, both hands occupied, was forced to take the attention. He smiled and laughed but Betsy could feel his fingers clenching painfully into her side.  It would probably leave marks but she didn't care. If she hadn't felt it, she never would have guessed that the man was in any way uncomfortable. It made him more human.

As they pulled away, Nick smiled before looking her way. "Markos, I would like you to meet my girlfriend Elizabeth Jones."

"Nicky, stop being formal." Markos teased, waving his hands through the air before he turned to look at me.  "We are old friends."

Nicholas raised his brows and smiled as Markos turned his attention to the blonde. Now she was the one clutching his hand. He held on for several seconds, his eyes looking into hers and she knew that he was judging her. She averted her gaze and her face burned hotter under the attention.

"Elizabeth, you are a beauty." Markos replied, releasing her clammy hand and then clapping Nick's shoulder. "Don't you agree Nicky?"

"Betsy, please call me Betsy." The blonde blurted, unable to stop the words from escaping her lips as she felt her boss's gave boring into the side of her face.

Nick didn't say anything and she didn't look. She felt his fingers stroking in soothing circles on her hip which comforted her and yet managed to enflame at the same time. It was an oddly dizzying mix.

"Betsy, it's a pleasure to meet you." Markos greeted, placing his hands on either side of her face and then placing a fatherly kiss on each of her cheeks, laughing when she stared up at him with wide eyes.

The Greek man chuckled and took a step away before waving them to the chairs. "Take a seat and we can eat. I'm sure the children are getting hungry – I know I am." He patted his stomach and then made his way back to his own chair.

Betsy found herself seated opposite her boss. She stared into his eyes and tried not to feel completely out of her depth. Now that all of the introductions had been made, all sense of calm was gone. Voices chattered, words being thrown in every direction. Laughter filled the air as drinks flowed and food was eaten.

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