The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 17

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The silence which fell over the entrance hall was deafening. Nick stood still and immovable, his face blank but his eyes continually moved between the blonde at his side and his in-laws. He hadn't seen them in over a year and he had not been expecting them to make an appearance any time soon. They had missed Tommy's birthday and Christmas. They hadn't even turned up to their own daughter's funeral. Their only attempt at contact was an impersonal card sent through some website.

Their arrival was not a good omen.

Betsy, needing to break the tension, smiled at the two newcomers. "It's nice to meet you." She greeted, holding out her hand to the pair.

Carol pressed her lips together, her eyes staring at her offered hand for several long moments before she looked away. Betsy felt the burn from her cold shoulder. Stomach churning uncomfortably, she looked to Greg. The man peered down in long nose and she fought not to wither under his gaze. Tilting her head up, she held his stare until the man finally looked away.

Keeping the smile firmly in place, the petite blonde dropped her hand to the side and looked to Nick for guidance. He knew these people; he knew how to handle them. At least she hoped so. Betsy had dealt with rude people before in her life but this was on an entirely new level. Never had she been belittled so much with a single gesture.

Nick watched everything unfold, assessing every move his in-laws made. He would have remained silent but upon looking at the effect they were having on Betsy, he knew he had to speak up. He hated the way her smile, which had been warm and full of mirth minutes before, had become forced and strained. It was why he was glad his in-laws rarely deigned to visit. They had this effect on many people but their disrespect would not stand.

"Not that we're not – overjoyed – at your unexpected visit," Nick drawled, his tone belying his words. "But what is the reason for your visit. And a better question is how you drove up the driveway. Security should have notified me of your arrival. You shouldn't have been able to drive straight up to the house."

Carol, who had looked at everything but Nicholas, finally lifted her head. The cold indifference was gone from her face and instead fury had twisted her features up into a bitter mask. She folded her arms across her chest and scowled up at him. He just blinked down at her. She was about as terrifying as a Chihuahua but the woman seemed to think she was as scary as a Pitbull.

"Really, Nicholas? Are you going to play this game?" Carol spat at him, her eyes burning into him. "Do I need a reason to see my own grandchildren?"

"Since you haven't seen them in a year and have made no attempt to speak to them over Christmas?" Nick asked. He looked at his children's only surviving grandparents and felt the familiar anger burn in his heart. They always left him with a bad taste in his mouth. "I think you need a dozen reasons to see them. They wouldn't recognise you from the checkout clerk at Tesco."

Carol's hand fluttered dramatically to her chest as if she were greatly offended. Nick wasn't sure if the woman was even capable of feeling anything at all. She had taken her daughter's death hard. He knew that but it still did not excuse her from ignoring her grandchildren, the only remaining part of their dead daughter.

"I should just leave you all to discuss this in private." Betsy murmured quietly, the smile gone and her body posture shrunken as if she was trying to minimise any attention drawn to her.

"I agree. We have things to discuss Nicholas – things which should not be said in front of the staff." Carol hissed, her eyes staring dismissively at the blonde woman. "After all, she is just your housekeeper."

Ignoring his mother in-law, Nick turned to Betsy. His eyes roamed over her face even as he kept his face as blank as possible. He tried to convey his apologies without speaking and her lips twitched in a small almost smile before she nodded. She understood. He would apologise later but right now he needed to deal with the two intruders who had ruined the happy atmosphere which had surrounded his home before his arrival.

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