The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Waking up on Saturday morning to bright blue skies, Betsy laid there in her bed for several minutes with her heart racing and strange knots in her stomach. Anticipation for her date with Nicholas had been playing on her mind over and over again on an endless loop. Was it just a thank you as he said or could it mean more?

Biting her lip, the blonde couldn't stop herself from hoping for the latter. He had been amazing and who wouldn't want to hope that a rich, handsome man would pay attention to them. She knew that the man was still closed off. She knew that she only got to see the man he truly was at rare moments but she enjoyed those glimpses.

Pushing the duvet cover aside, Betsy sat up and then secured her hair in a knot on the top of her head. She had no idea where they were going. Dress comfortably he had said but what on earth did that mean. His version and her version of comfortable were two different things. He lived in his suits the majority of the time.

Sighing loudly, she pulled open her drawers and stared down at the contents balefully. Betsy hadn't had time to shop or even think more beyond what the day would mean for them both. As a result she had only the items she had brought with her to the house. They were perfectly suitable for housekeeping and nanny duties but they were not the kind of clothes she could wear to a five star restaurant without sticking out like a sore thumb.

"Well he said dress comfortably," She muttered under her breath as he fingers skimmed her favourite pair of jeans. They were worn and faded skinnies with a rip on the knee from years of wear but they were comfy and Betsy wasn't ashamed to admit that they made her body look amazing.

Wrestling them free from the drawer, she finished the look off with a simple white lace top and a thick warm cardigan to combat the chill in the air.

After applying a hint of make up to her face, Betsy left the safety of her room and wandered down the stairs. Ms Reed was sat in the living room, her white hair wrapped up in curlers while her fingers deftly wrapped wool around the knitting needles. The rhythmic clicking was oddly soothing in spite of her fluttering heart. The children were notably absent but Betsy was sure they wouldn't be too far away.

"Are you ready to go dear?" Ms Reed asked, her eyes lifting from the television for a moment to offer a warm smile. "You look lovely."

Glancing down, Betsy found herself biting her lip. "Are you sure it looks okay?" Her hands drifted over her jeans before she lifted her gaze to the older woman. "He wouldn't tell me where he's taking me."

"You look perfect. Besides, the man has seen you before you've had your morning coffee and still looks at you as if you hung the moon and stars." The woman set down her knitting needles and then held out her hands to the younger woman.

Closing the distance between them, Betsy placed her hands in Ms Reeds and took comfort in the feel of the warm strong grip. "You listen to me now. Go and enjoy yourself today. The kids will be fine with me." The old woman gave the blonde's hands a squeeze. "Now don't keep the poor boy waiting. I haven't seen him look so nervous since the day Delilah was born. He's wearing a hole in the carpets."

Drawing in a deep breath, Betsy gave the older woman a tentative smile. "Are you sure you're okay to look at the kids? I know it was supposed to be your day off." Even though she wanted nothing more than to go out with Nick, she couldn't stop her herself saying, "I can cancel if you need me to."

"Hush. Now stop stalling." Mrs Reed stated, squeezing her hands once more before shooing her away. "Go."

With a nod of her head, Betsy turned and headed in search of Nick. Her heart just about melted at the sight of him. She had definitely made the right outfit choice. Dressed in a pair of blue jeans, strong sturdy boots and a simple black zip up fleece Nicholas Davenport was almost unrecognisable. Only the strong set to his chin and the cold glare in his eyes as he stared at the wall opposite betrayed him.

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