The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 15

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Nick's heart hammered within his chest as the landscape sped past. He wasn't sure if it was due to the thrill of the stallion's fast pace as he galloped across the country side or the warm feeling of the woman leaning against his chest. Betsy laughed loudly, her head thrown back and her eyes closed as she allowed herself to just let go. His lips twitched up in an answering grin.

Guiding the horse towards his preferred path with a light pull on the reigns and gentle nudge of his heels, the horse slowed and veered onto a worn muddy path. Sensing the change of pace, the blonde in his arms opened her eyes and let out a gasp as her eyes roamed over the landscape around them.

From the top of the hill the view was spectacular. Even with low lying clouds, they could see for miles around them. Lush green fields surrounded them on either side, fighting to . The only object which stood out amongst it all was the bright blue fabric tent which had been set up on top of the hill. Nick slowed the horse and pulled to a stop next to the tent.

The smell of freshly baked bread, cooked meats and other rich foods seeped out. Betsy's stomach grumbled loudly causing her to blush and looked down at her hands which, during the course of the ride, had wrapped around Nick's. She slowly released them and looked up into his dark heated gaze through her lashes.

"Sorry," she murmured before dropping her gaze and her eyes from him.

Nick felt his lips pull up into a smile. "Come on. Let's get inside before the food gets cold."

Easing from the saddle, Nick slid from the horse with a soft thump. Then, holding the reins tightly within his grasp, he held his free hand up to Betsy. Without hesitation, she softly rested her cold hand within his larger hand. She bit her lip as she looked down at him and Nick wondered for a moment if there was something wrong with his heart. It missed a beat at her simple gesture.

Curling his fingers around hers, he guided her arm around his shoulder and then pulled so her into his arms. Nick would be lying if he didn't enjoy the flush which rapidly spread over his pixie's face as he slowly lowered her body down to the floor. Her front was pressed to his. If it wasn't for the loud rumble of her stomach,  and his own hunger,  he would have taken advantage of the moment.

Instead, he brushed his lips chastely over her forehead before backing away.

"Stay here for a moment. I'll be right back." Nick promised, clicking with his tongue and giving a light nudge on the reins so that the black imposing stallion followed his lead.

Walking several feet away, Nick secured the reins to the tree and gave the Stallion an affectionate run on the nose. His eyes darted back to Betsy. She was facing away from him, her arms folded over her chest while the wind whipped around her. Her hair had come loose and was being blown around her head in a beautiful blonde curly halo. Instead of worrying about how she looked, Betsy simply threw her head back and stretched her hands out to the sides as the wind blew past her.

"Sorry boy, I've got a date waiting for me." Nick murmured to the horse at his side. The beast snorted and butted him in the face before turning his attention to the tasty treats which had been left especially for him.

Crossing over the wild grass, Nick stepped up behind Betsy and wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her closed so she was pressed up against his chest. He breathed in the scent of her as he rested his chin on her shoulder and just enjoyed the moment with her.

"It's amazing." Betsy murmured, wrapping her arms over his as if to hold him closer. "It's so peaceful."

"It's where I come to think. It's the only place I can come and not have distractions. I don't get up here as much as I used to but I can't regret it. Business is good and so is my family." Nick said softly, brushing a feather light kiss on the blonde's chill skin. "A lot of that is down to you."

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