chapter 12

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Alex's Point of View

"Mum, don't be sad. We will be back sooner than you think. I'll be back by the end of the summer and going back to school everyday and you still have another kid around here." I said.

Luke, Halsey and Michael were all at the door witnessing my mother having a breakdown and realizing she let her kids travel around the world.

"Mum, we are going to miss our flight, but we will call you as soon as we get there and then text you when we are on the plane and then when we get to LA, we will text or call you again. And remember the flight is about 14 hours but we will be fine." I said trying to calm her down.

We started to walk out the door and got in the car, me and Halsey in the back, and Michael and Luke in the front. Our flight wasn't for another couple of hours but we planned on my mum to stall much longer.

I literally had to beg my parents to let me go with Michael and at first they didn't understand why me and Halsey were going and then they told us they knew that Halsey and Michael were dating and they knew about me and Luke. They didn't want to break our hearts so after we promised to room with only the same gender and to not do anything they wouldn't do, they agreed to let us go.

It was pretty confusing what they meant by that last part though, because they did have 3 kids and I was expecting my mom to be pregnant anytime soon.

When we got to airport, we all got our own luggage and went straight to security so we could get it over with. We were going to wait for Calum and Ashton to come but they told us they were already there and waiting for us. When we got to our gate, we saw them sitting there waiting for us, holding a whole row of chairs for us.

We all sat down and it was really awkward for a couple minutes and then Ashton broke the silence.

"I'm going to get something from the Starbucks up there." He said.

"I'll come, I need to walk around." I said.

"Me too" Calum said.

"Yeah same" Luke jumped in.

"Is this like a joke? Leave me and Michael here to watch your crap?" Halsey said.

"We will be back, you guys can venture of when we get back. We have almost 2 more hours to spend here." I said.

We all started walking to the Starbucks in the airport and I was walking next to Ashton, with Luke and Calum behind us not talking.

"Have they even talked?" I said to Ashton.

"Not once since what happened."

"He told me they did."

"Luke? Calum told me yesterday they still haven't talked, maybe they talked today?"

"When? Just now?" I said sarcastically.

I stopped and pulled Luke aside to talk to him, "You said you've talked to Calum and he had apologized."

"Yeah, he did." Luke said, he was such a bad liar.

"I know you're lying to me, talk to your best friend or I won't hold your hand or kiss you this whole trip."

Luke got a face like he was looking into the future and walked over to Calum and started talking.

Luke's Point of View

I walked over to Calum, "Dude, I just want you to know how I feel about this how entire situation. You kissed Alex and then you kissed her again, and then again and the first one I wasn't cool with, but the second one was a dare so I can't blame you and the third one, you knew we were seeing each other. And it hurts that you would be the one to do it, even though you're my best friend."

"You guys weren't exclusive, you're not even exclusive now. You can't even call her your girlfriend. But I am sorry mate. I'm happy that you really like her and I won't ruin that but I just want us to be mates again." Calum said.

"Yeah, we never stopped being mates." I said.

" Ask her to be exclusive and stop being an idiot." Calum said pushing me towards Alex and Ashton.

"Hey Alex, can we talk?"

"Yeah, sure. Talk to you later Ash."

I grabbed onto her hand and intertwined our fingers. "Can we be exclusive? Because I get way too jealous thinking of you with any other guys or guy."

"Yeah, I'm really happy you asked."

"Okay." I said, and when I looked up we were right in front of Starbucks and yelled "Ashton, you're paying right?"

Ashton just started giggling and you could tell he definitely wasn't paying.

"Ok, ok. I'll pay. What does everyone want? I'm going in alone." After everyone told me their order, I told the barista and I paid. We all waited for the drinks to come and we all got similar things but Alex got a Frappuccino and it looked really good. I had my iced coffee in my hand and Alex's hand in my other. We started walking back to where we were sitting but we couldn't find Halsey. When we finally saw Michael, he was outside of the women's bathroom.

Alex went over to him, and asked where Halsey was, and he said they got in a little fight and she ran into the bathroom and he obviously can't go into the bathroom. Alex told us she would figure out what's wrong and she told us to sit down and so the whole band was sitting, watching the bags.

Alex's Point of View

"Halsey?" I said calling for her in the airport's bathroom.

She came out one of the stalls and her makeup was all ruined. You could tell she had been crying.

"What's wrong? What did he do?" I said referring to Michael.

"He said he didn't want to exclusive so he could keep his options open while they were on tour."

"Oh my gosh," My brother is the biggest idiot ever, " You know what you're going to do? You're going to march onto that plane and you aren't even going to look at him. You're going to act like he is there but you don't care enough to communicate with him. And when you see a cute guy, you're going to flirt like there is no tomorrow. And when we come home from shows, you are going to have another guy each night or better yet, the same guy and show him what he is missing. Oh, Halsey make him so jealous that he should have asked you to be exclusive before you even started seeing each other. I'm going to get my bag to fix your makeup and you are going to be the hottest person in this place."

"Ok, let's do it. But, um? Can I have a sip please?"

"Sure Halsey, have it all. I'll be right back" I said leaving to go get my makeup bag.

When I was out the bathroom, I walked straight where the boys were sitting and grabbed my bag.

"Is she okay?" Michael said.

"Better than okay, she was just scared that she'd get homesick and ruin the tour for you guys but she feels better now. Actually better than better but she wants to switch seats, so I guess I'm sitting with her."

"Noooo," Luke says, looking at Calum, "Come on Calum be my best friend and sit next to Halsey."

"Okay fine" Calum says and Luke gets happy.

I got back into the bathroom and tell Halsey that she is sitting with Calum and she start to remove all her makeup and only put mascara on this time.

When we get back out there it is time to board and since we are in first class, we go in first. Calum and Hasley sitting together, with me and Luke on the opposite side of them, with Michael and Ashton behind me and Luke.

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