Chapter 3- A Talent or Two

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"Leonardo! Raphael! Get out of those bushes!" Splinter ran over to the large shrubs to pull two wrestling winged turtles out of the thicket. The rat then turned his head to see Donatello making his way to the edge of the stream, "Be careful Donatello, don't fall on the rocks!"

  He lifted the two elder siblings out of the bushes and set them in the open, where he could keep a close watch on them, and Splinter quickly ran to the stream to guide the olive turtle away from the wet rocks, "Stay with your brothers Donatello, okay?"

  Donatello nodded solemnly and walked over to Mikey. The white-winged reptile stood there and didn't speak, shyly standing next to his youngest sibling. Indeed, the winged turtles could now successfully walk on their own two legs...accept for one.

"Michelangelo, is it okay if Donatello plays with you?" Splinter got down on his knees and smiled at the little freckled turtle.

"Yeah!" the little tot cheered out enthusiastically.

  Flashing a gap toothed grin, Donatello sat next to his younger sibling to help him build a miniature castle out of sticks. Giving a sigh of satisfaction Splinter stood up and turned to check on the two eldest, only to find that they were once again gone.

  The rat man looked in all directions. He was about to worry that they might have wandered too far this time, but the loud giggles from behind a willow tree eased his stress, "Come on Raphael, Leonardo, I know you two are behind that tree."

  The two tots emerged from behind the trunk and began to laugh hysterically, but once they saw the stern look on their father's face, they weren't so amused.

"Both of you need to stay close. It is dangerous for both you and I if you run off and hide like that."

Leonardo's ocean blue eyes averted to the ground, "Sorry Splinta..."

Raphael on the other hand still wore a mischievous smirk.

"Raphael, this is serious!" Splinter's eyes narrowed.

"Sorry..." he mumbled quietly.

  The rat turned away from the two brothers to go find a seat on a nearby log, "Very good, now I want you both to stay where I can see you."

  Splinter sat down on the moss covered log, which made for some nice cushioning. He watched as all four of his sons enjoyed themselves in the outdoors they called their home. It was only on a few occasions when Splinter would let the turtles play on the ground, otherwise they would have to occupy themselves in the nest or play in the oak's treetop. Even though they were almost five years of age, Splinter was still very concerned for their safety.

  The rat man wanted to start training the young winged reptiles the art of ninjutsu, but there was still one of the brothers that couldn't walk yet...Michelangelo. Splinter did not want to start the other brothers and leave the youngest to start late; it wouldn't be fair for the little freckled turtle.

Splinter was startled out of his thoughts when he heard an unexpected, high pitched 'shree'.

'Is that... an owlet?! But owls don't even come out for another few hours yet!'

  Yet again there was another screech, and the rat looked to see Michelangelo rolling on the ground laughing. Donatello sat on a patch of grass completely dumbfounded.

"What is so amusing Michelangelo?" Splinter cocked an eyebrow at the freckled turtle's laughing fit, but his question was soon answered when a third owlet 'shree' came out of the olive turtle's mouth.

"Splinta! Donnie's making funny noises!" the bright green turtle giggled as Donatello sat there with a shameful expression.

  The rat keeled next to the olive green turtle and examined him for a possible health problem, but the little winged reptile seemed perfectly in good health. Taking a good thorough look at his son's wings, Splinter soon determined that Donatello was part Barn Owl. Splinter never had the need to actually inspect his sons' wings before.

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