Chapter 6- To Need a Nest

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  Panting, the little freckled turtle carried an armful of skillfully shaven sticks. Even though Michelangelo was not particularly happy about the construction of a new nest and being separated from his brothers, he decided to help out his family anyway, remembering his agreement to try snoozing in one for the night.

"Come on Mikey, why are you taking so long?!" the little hothead crossed his arms with impatience and huffed dramatically.

"Patience Raphael. Not all of your brothers have your strength," the rat dad placed a gentle hand on his son's shoulder.

  The little winged turtle emerged from behind a bush, his arms full of the branches, and practically stumbling. Mikey quickly outstretched his wings to catch his balance before he actually fell into the grass.

"Sensei, I finished my nest!" The little purple-clad turtle scrambled down the trunk of the oak tree, eyes large with excitement.

"Good job Donatello! Would you mind assisting your younger brother with his?"

Donnie flashed a small gap-toothed grin, "Sure Sensei!"

  Sprinting over to the freckled turtle, Donatello relieved his smaller brother of the load, carrying the other half of the sticks in his arms.

Mikey smiled slightly looking up to his tall brother with round eyes, "Thanks bro."

  With a returned smile the two youngest siblings walked side by side to the base of the tree and began taking the branches up by the handfuls. The owl winged turtle hopped from branch to branch, fluttering his wings every time he went airborne, the breeze caressing his fluffy feathers with every hop. The sound of rustling leaves echoed in his head and increased his focus.

  Glancing behind him, he noticed that his younger brother followed close behind. The orange masked child also looked quite content with his surroundings, a bright beam spread across his face.

  With a final leap, the purple masked child finally made it to the partially finished nest and examined his brother's constructive work. The sticks where placed to build an oval shaped nest, with more than enough room for the little turtle to fit. Although a few sticks stuck out here and there, overall it was well built.

"It looks good Mikey!" Donnie exclaimed.

  Little Mikey climbed onto the branch, a thrust of his wings helping him onto the tree limb, "You really think so Donnie?!"

"Yeah! All we have to do is finish this corner here and fix a few little spots!"

  With a huge grin Mikey began to fill holes with sticks while Donnie worked on the corner. Both brothers worked together with much enthusiasm, climbing up and down the tree to retrieve more and more shaved sticks from their pile at the base.

  Hastily clambering up the tree, the youngest winged reptile and the elder blue-clad turtle clashed, both of them falling a few branches down before landing on the limb that broke their fall.

  Leo sat up with a groan and rubbed his partially fledged wing between his hands, "Mikey, slow down, we're lucky that we didn't hurt ourselves!"

  Mikey rolled backwards into a seated position, moaning as he rubbed his head. The little child went wide eyed and quickly examined his feet, touching them gingerly. Finally he sighed in relief.

"You could've broken Stubby and Joey Toenails!"

"Who?" Leo cocked an eye ridge at this.

  Mikey grabbed his feet and held them up in the air, wiggling two of his three toes, "You could've broken my toes! My two favorite toes!"

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