Chapter 13- Warmest

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Author's Note:  I'm so sorry this took so long to post guys. I am a person that takes a long time to think of ideas and write them down properly.  My summer was also a lot busier than I thought it would be, so that is a part of the reason this took so long.  This chapter is kinda short, but that is because it is Part 2 of Frightful Flight.  So, please enjoy! :)



"Alright Donatello, three, two, one...jump!"

The purple-clad turtle took a deep breath and leapt off of the branch, spreading his wings to their full extension. Once feeling the wind caress under his silent feathers, he flapped with as much strength as he could muster. His muscles contracted and relaxed, trying their best to summon as much energy as they could from his body.

"That's it Donatello! Keep going!"

With a victorious gapped smile, the turtle kept flapping. This was the farthest he had made it! Perhaps he would do it! Perhaps he would fly! He was almost there! The clouds were right there!

Reaching out his hand, he tried to reach to the clouds, but when he looked around, he noticed he was slowly losing altitude. With a frustrated yell, he flapped harder, but his muscles began to cramp and the more they strained, the faster he fell. He strained even harder, panting as his strength was quickly being sapped away.

Finally, with a sigh of defeat, he stopped, and just glided, letting the wind alone carry him down to the ground where his father awaited him. The rat master wore the most solemn expression and the olive turtle refused to meet his gaze.

His three toed feet skimmed the grass before he lighted down; stumbling a bit before he came to a complete halt.

"I'm sorry Sensei, I don't think I can do it..."

Splinter got down on one knee and lifted his son's chin, making the reddish orbs meet his brown ones.

"I think that was the closest you've gotten to flying in this practice session Donatello. I think this time was well spent even though we haven't completed our goal yet."

"You really think so Sensei?"

The rat dad smiled his broad smile, patting his son's carapace, "Of course my son, but it is evening and I don't want your brothers to be kept waiting long. Perhaps we could practice tomorrow?"

Donatello nodded in agreement and began to head in the direction of their home, Splinter following closely behind him.

'Cree! Cree!'

The rat turned around to see a familiar falcon gliding down from a nearby tree, landing on his shoulder and clacking his beak happily.

"What are you doing here Spike? You never stray far from Raphael," with sudden realization, he grunted angrily, shouting in the direction in which the falcon flew, "RAPHAEL!"

Three pairs of eyes were peeking out among the branches of a huge willow tree, wide with fright.

"LEONARDO! MICHELANGELO! I see you there as well! Come down here now!" Splinter demanded in fury, pointing to the ground in front of him.


"I told you we should have stayed home and watched from there!" Leonardo whispered to Raphael, glaring him down.

"I needed to be closer! Besides, Mikey agreed with me," Raph argued back.

"Mikey agrees to everything, and it was your falcon that got us caught!" Leonardo lectured, "We're supposed to be stealthy!"

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