Chapter 8- Teaching a Turtle

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Ever since the second eldest found the young falcon injured at the base of a tree, the child and the bird became inseparable. Everywhere where Raphael went the raptor came with him.

The falcon, which was now known as Spike, would perch himself on the boy's shoulder, constantly going wherever the young winged reptile would go.

This behavior of the bird puzzled the rat dad, since he knew quite well that falcons were not flock birds, being quite independent hunters. Although, Splinter could not complain, for he had never seen his son so happy since the hatching of the youngest brother Michelangelo. So long as both Raphael and his companion were happy and healthy, that is all that mattered to him.

The ninja master had to admit that the green eyed turtle took good care of the bird. The red-clad child would feed Spike mice as treats and sometimes small birds to satisfy the predator's hunger. Raph was quite considerate of his father and his feelings so he always made sure to never present rats as a food option.

The fact that his son was so thoughtful brought a smile to his face.

Splinter watched from afar as Raphael proceeded to feed his companion a small, dead sparrow, watching the boy smile as the falcon guzzled the creature down, tearing it up bit by bit with its beak to eat the fresh pieces of meat.

Remembering the first time the boys witnessed Spike eat made a smirk appear on his lips.

 Michelangelo proceeded to cringe and cover his face as the animal gorged itself in front of him and much was the same for Leonardo. Donatello was quite intrigued with the behavior and watched in complete awe and amazement. The purple masked turtle would constantly question Raph about Spike's eating habits and would ask about his health to make sure the bird was in prime condition. Raphael rarely took notice to his brother's repetitive questions or his two sickened siblings and only focused on providing his best friend with a delicious meal.

Looking back at the smiling forest green turtle, Splinter noticed that Mikey tip-toed behind Raph, holding a small furry object in his hand. The rat squinted to try to see the hidden object, but two three fingered hands covered it up too much to be identifiable.

The little freckled sibling tapped his elder brother on the shoulder, "R-Raphie?" he asked quietly.

"What is it Mikey?" turning his head, the falcon winged reptile peeked over his shoulder to see a nervous little Michelangelo waiting behind.

Opening his hands to reveal the object, Splinter finally chuckled with a broad smile as he watched from afar.

"C-Can I feed Spike?"

Raphael looked at the small mouse in his youngest brother's cupped hands and stood there with confusion, "I thought you didn't like watching Spike eat."

The bright blue orbs shifted to the side, embarrassment starting to flood his expression, "Well, I kind of wanted to watch him this time...I'll understand if you don't trust me enough," the last part was barely audible but the Raphael was keen enough to comprehend.

"Mikey, of course you can feed him!"

Looking up, shocked, and slack jawed, the baby blue eyes seemed to twinkle, "Really?!"

"Yeah, go ahead!" Raphael beckoned for his little sibling to come closer and took the meat-stripped, animal bones out of his companion's beak.

"Alright, all you need to do is hang onto the tail and hold it in front of his beak. Just make sure your fingers aren't in the way. It'll hurt if he bites your fingers," Raph smiled as the bird watched the incoming food expectantly, Spike's beak clacking, ready to take the mouse.

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