Author's Note: October 2017

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Okay, I'm going to be straight up honest.  I'm not going to continue this fanfic.

However, I am VERY appreciative of all the encouragement I've been given throughout the writing of this AU story.  It means a lot, truly. The thing is though, I'm not as into TMNT as I once was. I still love my little Turtles of a Feather AU, but I kind of have my sights set on a variety of other fandoms.  So, this fic is now officially cancelled.  I mean, if I feel like continuing it one day, I will, but so far, it's not happening.

I just figured I'd tell any readers, so they won't be waiting.  I'm sorry.

I personally think shorter fanfics or oneshots are more my skill and  interest set.  This was my first ever long fanfic, and apparently, it's just not right for me.  But hey, it was worth trying, and again, thank you all for the support given to me throughout this little journey. :)

Sent with gratitude,


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