Chapter 7

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I woke up sneezing and coughing,my head hurts basically my whole body hurts." Good morning Kim" Ashton walked in with a huge smile." How are you today" he was still smiling. He is the first person I've met that is happy in the mornings."I feel like I'm dying" I cough. Suddenly his smile disappeared and became a worried face."I'll call the doctor you're burning up" he said feeling my forehead with his hand."No please. I hate doctors. Please ash don't call them" I beg." Sorry kimmy but i can't leave you sick like this,you need to be checked" he says picking up his phone. I groan and flop back on the bed.

After he called the doctor he left my room to tell the guys. A few minutes later I hear hard footsteps running up the stairs. Luke and the other boys came running to my room." I heard you were sick" Calum said hugging me."stop treating me like a child. It's no big deal, everyone gets sick at some point" I said in frustration. Everyone knees treating me like I'm weak and not capable of taking care of myself. After a moment the door bell rang they walked down to open the door." It's the doctor" Ashton yelled from downstairs. I roll my eyes and walked down. " hello Kimberly" the doctor said. I waved in response, I didn't have the courage to say anything. He gestured me to come over to him as he held something in his hand. I sat down where he told me to and he checked my temperature.he put his hand on my face. His hands were cold making me shiver. Doctors hands are always cold,it makes me wonder if they put their hands in a bucket of ice before they meet with the patient. " it's just a fever..she'll be fine in a few days if she takes these pills I prescribed" he said handing them a piece of paper. The boys nodded and escorted the doctor out. I run back upstairs and watch tv on the laptop they had gotten me. Ha you worthless piece of shit. Oh no the voice is back." What do you want" I say to myself mentally. I want you to suffer. "Uh" I says mentally. I always get this voice she is always making fun of me and putting me down.  You may think I'm crazy or mentally ill, but no I'm like every other girl except the fact that a voice talks to really think that they care about you huh? Well I hate to burst your bubble but they don't. They are sucking you up like a sponge and then they will just throw you away. You want to know why? It's cuz you're a useless piece of shit. " shut up" I said mentally. It may seem like this is all in my head but to tell you the truth it feels like it's an actual person torturing me every single day of my life. Haha you really think they were serious when they said they loved you. Ha like someone will ever love you. Maybe she's right. I'm just overreacting. To stop me from thinking to much I walk downstairs. Boo.i felt her say as she said that I felt shivers throughout my whole body making me tumble down the stairs."Kim!" Luke said worriedly and ran over to me."s-she did this to me" I said." Who's she?" He asked in confusion." She's like this voice that talks to me" I said."don't worry it's all in your head" he said." No it's not it's not all in my head I'm not making this up she's real" i said but he just looked at me." You thinking crazy don't you?" I asked him." No no no I don't" he shook his head."then why are you looking at me like that" I furrowed eyebrows.he just shook his head and walked me to the couch he put an ice pack on my knee and sat down.its like my fears came to life it's like she came to life. It's like I can actually feel her around me. " Kim what are you thinking about" Calum asked me." Nothing" I shook my head."are you still thinking about 'her'" Luke said and putting air quotes around 'her'." I'm not making this up" I yell in defense." We need to get you to therapist" Michael said." Why? Im not crazy" I said.he ignored me and continued to dial something on the phone."you guys think I'm crazy" I choked out." No we don't. We just want to help you-" Luke started saying but I cut him off." If you want to help me then you won't get me a therapist" I stood and said."Kim.." He said but I walked away.

Ashton's POV-

Kim walked away crying." What are we gonna do" I asked the guys." We have to call that therapist" Michael spoke up." But you heard her she sai-" i said he cut me off." I heard what she said. But I still think we should call one, she's living life afraid and closed in this is the only way to help her have a normal life" he said. He's right. I nod and so do the other boys. Michael calls her doctor to see who he recommends." I just got off the phone with Dr.booboo(sorry i didn't know what to put) he said that we should send her to this camp" he said showing me his phone." They will give her special treatment and help her" he said."so your really going to do this?" Kim stood in the staircase hurt." It's for the better" Calum said."ok fine...but I thought you actually loved me and cared about me" she shed a tear." We do love and care about you" i spoke up." No you don't cuz if you did you wouldn't send me away to a camp" she started crying even more,I look over to Luke who had his eyes filled with tears.

Calum's POV-

I put my head in my hands." Why is parenting to hard" I said. I heard a gasp I looked up from my hands to see Kim standing there crying even more to what I said." No Kim I didn't mean it like tha-" I said in apology, before I got to Finnish my sentence she ran upstairs. I quickly ran after her." Kim I didn't mean it" I said." Yes you did. You should have never adopted me...I'm a mess I told you guys this but you didn't listen to me"she yelled and his her face in a pillow. You should have never adopted me her words hurt me. Why does she keep thinking this. "Kim" I said." Go away" she yelled. I nod and hesitantly walked out of her room." Hey Calum how's it g-" Ashton spoke before I walked out of the house and slammed the door.

Kimberly's POV-

" go away!" I yell to Calum. He didn't respond all her did was leave the room. After a few seconds I heard the front door slam. I quickly run downstairs wondering what happened."where did Calum go" I asked in a whisper." I don't know" Luke came up to me and rubbed my arm." Can we just like forget everything that happened today. I told The guys that I'm not letting them send you to that camp or get a therapist" Luke said." Really" I asked happily." Yeah if you say you're ok then I believe you" he gave me a small smile." Thank you" I whispered. He brought me into a hug."no problem" he said and kissed my head. After that I started wondering. Where did Calum go?

A/n- I think this is the worst book I ever wrote. I'm sorry if you guys get confused by reading this. I know everything is confusing and stuff but I promise I'll try to write a chapter that won't leave you confused. Anyways Bye and plz read my other stories, they are better than this one I promise.
-You and I Harry•Harry Styles•
-Friends or more•Luke Hemmings•
And etc.


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