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Josh was sleeping soundly with his cozy black comforter pulled up to his chin. Suddenly a loud ringing filled his ears and he rolled over to turn his dumb phone alarm off before trying to catch a few more minutes of shut-eye. He only caught about thirty seconds before his mom's voice traveled up the stairs.

"Joshua?? Joshua. Joshua!!!"

"I'm up! Geez..." He sat up in his bed and rubbed sleep out of his eyes. The remind app on his phone told him that today was the first day of school and he knew if he didn't hurry he would be late. He didn't care that much but dealing with grouchy teachers on the worst Monday of the year wasn't one of his favorite things to do.

He nearly tripped on his backpack lying in the middle of the floor on his way to the bathroom. He leaned on the bathroom counter, trying to make his hair look a little less like 'I just woke up and couldn't find a brush'. After getting cleaned up and staring helplessly at his messy hair in the mirror for five minutes, Josh went back to his room.

He threw on his favorite Star Wars shirt and black jeans and lifted his backpack onto his shoulder. He stood at the top of the stairs before promptly returning to his bedroom to grab his phone. "Can't forget this."

Josh trekked slowly down the stairs while checking the notifications he'd received last night. Most of them were trivial and dismissed without much thought. One in particular read tylerrjoseph posted a photo and he quickly tapped the link. The latest post popped up on the screen and Josh grinned at the sight of warm brown eyes he was so familiar with.

They belonged to Tyler Joseph, a gorgeous 17 year old that lived out of state. He was a model, and for good reason, Josh took at least 30 minutes each day to admire the boy's face. Tyler was the most attractive person Josh had ever seen and he wished he could let him know. For now, he settled with commenting polite compliments on his posts.

Josh stared at the picture a little longer before noticing the box on Tyler's bedroom floor in the background labeled 'Tyler's Room'. What looked like a shirt sleeve was hanging over the edge and Josh easily presumed what that meant: moving.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and roamed to the kitchen, wondering where Tyler could be going. He knew it was none if his business but when you invest so much emotion into someone you don't know, it's hard not to wonder. Josh glimpsed at the clock above the oven and noted he only had eight minutes to walk to school. He grabbed a banana from the bowl on the counter and prepared to stuff it down while he half-ran to avoid being late.

"Bye mom!!" He called out and then stepped out the door.

Josh's banana was gone shortly, leaving him with a bruised peel that he tossed under a bush; nature would take care of that. He kept up his pace, surveying his surroundings. The last time he'd actually walked outside in an area that wasn't his neighborhood was when he went to the music store for a new drumhead. That was weeks ago. The scenery had noticeable changes, like the flower shop had been painted a lighter color, and someone had finally gotten around to trimming the tree that used to whack him in the head when he passed through.

Something caught Josh's eye in the window of a clothing store. A large poster, made to take up the entire window, displaying a model doing what models do best. The clothes were pretty cool, a long floral cardigan over a black shirt and jeans, but the person in the clothes made Josh's heart skip a beat. Tyler Joseph was on display for his whole town to see. He bit his lip to keep from grinning like a dope.

Josh wasn't the obsessive type. If he had a crush on someone at his school, he would ask them out and if they said no, it wasn't a big deal. If he fell in love with an album, he wasn't the person who had hundreds of photos of the artists saved to his phone. He didn't run a fan account and he didn't geek out with his friends about any lead singer or actor.

At least that's what he would tell anyone that asked. He wouldn't tell them about the album in his phone with over 500 pictures of the same boy. He wouldn't tell anyone that every time he walked by a poster or advertisement with a certain boy on it he almost swooned. No one needed to know that the one person he decided to fall in love with was untouchable and completely out of reach.

Minutes later, Josh was jogging through the school grounds knowing he would be a little late. He heaved the open the door and slowed his pace once in the hallway. The tardy bell echoed through the building and he sighed, watching the numbers labeling the doors rise until he reached his classroom. Reluctantly he entered the room and mentally screamed, the feeling of so many eyes on him giving him the creeps.

The teacher was named Ms. Baldwin, her name was written on the board in red marker. She was not impressed with the boy and nodded toward an open seat in the back. Josh took the hint and quickly sat down, avoiding eye contact with the 20 students mindlessly staring at him.

Ms. Baldwin called roll and then began her introduction, obviously eager to teach a new bunch of students. Josh was less thrilled and readied himself to push through another year of lectures and late nights.

Pretty Boy ☆ JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now