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614-639-1045: Hi Jishwa

614-639-1045: *Jish

614-639-1045: *JOSH omf...

Joshua: Hi. Tyler?

614-639-1045: Yeah. Salutations :)

Josh face palmed but also smiled because gosh this boy was cute.

Joshua: Hang on changing my name to Jishwa

Tyler: auto correct fucked up bc wth is a jishwa?

Joshua: Me.

Tyler: lol alright

Jishwa: What should I save ur name as in my contacts?

Tyler: i dunno Ty or something

Jishwa: it's Tyjo now

Tyjo: aw okay. What's ur last name?

Jishwa: dun.

Tyjo: ?? dun with what

Jishwa: no that's my last name

Tyjo: oH. right.

Jishwa: lmao ye

Tyjo: sorry i was so awkward earlier

Jishwa: nah it's good.

Tyjo: ur just very cute

Jishwa: hahaha that's funny good one tyjo

Josh was a mess, hiding his face in his pillow. Brendon rose from the bean bag across the room and reached for Josh's phone.

"Who are you texting? Josh tell me."

Josh moved away from him, still grinning like an idiot.

Tyjo: No seriously. Ur super attractive. But anyways... i think we should paint a sunset for the project.

Jishwa: sure. Sunsets are pretty

Like you.

Tyjo: :) yep. What about this one?
[Image attached]

Josh: looks good to me

Tyjo: cool. Let's get started then. Ttyl

Josh: bye :)

Nooo come back.

Josh gave a content sigh and locked his phone before letting Brendon grab it from him.

"Ugh dude." Brendon pouted, crossing his arms over his chest like an angry five year old. "I really want to know who was making you blush like that."

"I wasn't blushing." Josh straightened up.

"J, your cheeks were as red as your hair."

Josh looked at his phone in Brendon's hands. "Okay so... remember that guy Tyler you were looking at on my laptop?"

"Oh yeah your god. What about him?"

"Hey." Brendon smirked sitting down on the other end of the bed.

"Anyways. That's who I was texting."

"If you don't want me to know who you were talking to just say so."

"No really! He goes to our school now. I sit next to him in art."

Brendon sighed and put Josh's phone down on the bed next to him. "Alright. Don't tell me. I'll find out sooner or later."

"But I-" Josh didn't feel like arguing about something so pointless. He gave Brendon a look of submission and put his phone back in his pocket. Brendon shrugged and picked up Josh's laptop.

"Netflix and chill?"


This is so short sorry

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