A little break

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P.o.v. Stiles
I wake up with my arms wrapped around lydia and she snuggels a little more into my chest. I try to stand up without waking her up, but that doesn't work so well. " hey Lyds"
"Hay" she says back with a sleepy voice.
"I... Uhm... Wanted to tell you something"
"Ooh yeah, what's wrong ?"
"It's just the last few months i have a sort of feeling..."
"Ow... What feeling?"
"It's just uhm... I get weird dreams with a shadow of a girl in and i sometimes can feel it if someone is in pain... And uhm yeah.... Yesterday you were in pain and i just drove to you, without actually really knowing where you were. And when i saw Aiden hurting you i got immidiatly angry and i was really strong. I... I don't know what exactly happend... So i would want to go to deaton to ask for some help...." I look at her for a moment... Nobody says something for a few minutes and then she finnaly says something. "Yeah it's really weird. I also have dreams but with a boys figure in it... And always when i'm with you, the voices in my head stop talking to me... Also when i've been away from you for a long time... I... I... You know that doesn't matter right now."
I let it go and ask if she's alright with going to Deaton. When she agrees we eat something in the kitchen. My dad left a note with on it that he already went to his work and let us sleep, because we looked tired. So after our bagel we went to deaton.
The ride to there was a silent one. Not an akward one, but just silent.
"Deaton" we both asked
"Hey, can i do something for you two ?"
"Uhm actually we have some questions" lydia said.
"Ooo okay, why don't we go to my office at the back?" We both knew that was the supernatural part of his vetrinary. "So what are your questions?"
"Well..." An we started telling what happend yesterday and about our dreams and stuff.
"Ow okay, the only thing i know about this is that this is a Banshee thing. So i'm going to call a friend of mine and i think she knew your grandmother too Lydia, so i'm going to call her and give her to you okay ?" "Yeah okay" we both answered. When we heard a womens voice on the other side of the line answer Deaton said that he would leave us alone for a few minutes, then he gave us the phone and walked out of the ofice. "Uhm... Hello" Lydia said. "Hay, if i understand it good you're Lydia Martin?"
"Yeah that's me" she says with a sassy voice." "I knew your grandmother. A really sweet women, so what's your problem?" And then we told her everything that we told deaton. "So, Lydia if i get it the right way... You don't know what you can do with your Banshee powers? And you have a kind of emotional tether with a Boy?" She says. "Uhm is it really an emotional tether, i don't really know what it is..."
"Okay so Lydia are you okay with it if i come to you in two months? To teach you stuff and tell you stuff about Banshees ?"
"Yeah that's okay, thank you"
"Bye" and then the converstation was over. "So are we supposed to go to school now?" Lydia asks.
"Yeah we can go now, but it's now midday sooo.... We can go and eat a milkshake and after that go to school" i say. " well that sounds good to me" so we head up to a restaurant where she chooses a strawberry milkshake and i take a coffee milkshake. We talk about not so important stuff and when our milkshake is up we go back to school in my jeep. At the end of the day it's a lacross training. When we're training i see Lydia and Malia talking on the benches next to the lacrossfield. It cheers me up. After lacross i go home and malia comes over, but after two hours she gets called by someone and leaves. I feel allone and i need someone to talk to so i call lydia. " hey Lyd's, how are you? I'm calling you cause i'm
feeling a bit lonely and i needed someone to talk to..." "Stiles you now it's midnight right?"
"Yeah i'm sorry, it's stupid... I'll let you go to sleep."
"Wait, wait... Stiles. I... I'm feeling lonely too... I actually would like to talk to you too"
And so we talked most of the night, and then when we finnaly both were tired and we went to sleep. This happend almost every day the next three weeks. And then we started watching movies together in the evening to pass the time. Just like we're going to do today. The doorbell rang, so i went downstairs and opend the door. "Hay" says the strawberryblonde girl in front of me, "are you gonna let me in or what?" She says with a sassy voice. "So wich movie are we going to watch tonight? It's your turn to choose the movie."
" i would want to watch 'The Best Of Me' i like that movie so so soooo much!!!"
So she takes the computer and puts the dvd in it and start watching the movie. Half way she fals asleep on my shoulder. After a while she starts snuggeling into me. When the film is over i first thought that waking her up was the best idea, but then i quickly turned my mind. She's so peacefull finnaly, normally she never can sleep. And me neither. But now that she's here so close to me i also become really tired, maybe now i finnaly feel all the tiredness from all the times i didn't sleep. She gives me something peacefull, something that makes me feel complete. When i'm with her i can finnaly sleep to because i know she's save. When she is not with me it's almost like i just can't sleep, it's so weird. Maybe it isn't just a feeling, maybe it is really like that. That i just can't sleep without, or yeah only sleep a little bit, because i'm scared that there will happen something to her. And then i start falling asleep.

When i wake up lydia is still asleep and lays peacefull against my chest. This begins to feel really normal, sleeping together, staying over and watching movies, waking up together. But in my right mind i still know that it's not okay, cause i have a girlfriend. But this feels just so right... For what feels like an hour i stay and watch lydia how she sleeps, she's so beatiful. Oooo stop thinking that stiles, you have a girlfriend. Then i start thinking, how many times did this actualy already happend ? Wow this already happend for like 21 times. But then i convince myself that it's okay, cause we're best friends and she lost Allison and she's just so vurnable. Yeah it's okay stiles i tell myself. After a while she wakes up. "Hey stiles, how late is it?"
"It's like 7am. We probably need to get up for school"
"Ow yeah, i'm going home than okay?" I ask
"Yeah, okay. See you at school"
"See ya"

P.o.v. Lydia
When i'm home i dress myself up really fast, eat breakfast and go to school. After school i see Aiden standing next to my car, so i walk to my car and try to get in the car unseen. But he sees me and comes to me. Shit what do i have to do... "Hay lydia" he says with a voice like nothing happend."are we gonna spend some time together tonight?"
"No thanks" i answer with a cool voice.
"Lydia, what's wrong with you?"
"What's wrong with me is that i have enough of this, this... What we have, if we already have something, needs to stop!" I yell
"You're a real bitch lydia, you know i smell stiles all over you, it's smells really bad you know!!!"
"Just leave me alone Aiden"
And i get in the car and drive of. Later i go to stiles, his dad opens the door and seems happy to see me." Heeeey Lydia, are you sleeping over tonight? Cause if so i make dinner for you too." "I'm thinking about it, i will give you an answer in a few minutes okay?"
"Ofcourse Lydia, take your time" he smiles gently at me and says that stiles is upstairs, so i go to his room, but before i walk in i hear that malia is talking to him. "Stiles why do you smell like her? Your whole room smells like her, i hate this smell... It's disgusting"
"i'm sorry, she just comes here sometimes, i'm sorry"
When i want to go in the room i see them kissing, what upsets me a little. I don't really know why, cause i know he has a girlfriend... I immidiatly go downstairs. "Lydia, are you already going?" Mr stilinski asks me
Not sure if i can answer cause i'm on the verge of tears i say "uim.. Yeah i think i'm going sorry thanks though"
I try to give him a forced little smile and then go home

P.o.v. Stiles
When Malia gets a call again she goes away and i go downstaires. "Stiles dinner is ready " my dad half yells
"Hey dad why are there 3 bords?"
"Cause i thought Lydia was gonna stay with us tonight"
"Why would she do that?"
"Cause she was here an hour ago, she said she needed to talk to you"
"Hue... I didn't see her"
"Stiles if you did something mean to her, i will be very angry. She's a very nice girl. I like her a lot, so don't hurt her. You get that buddy?"
"Yeah... Yeah..."
Then i get it, she probably heard me talk to malia...
After i ate i called lydia "hey lydia"
"Uhm, my dad said you came by"
"Ow yeah, never mind that doesn't matter"
"Lydia, i hear your voice, you know i can hear it when something is wrong and not to forget that i have a feeling too now."
"Stiles, i think it's just best if we stay away from each other for a while, cause you have a girlfriend stiles"
"But lydia..."
"No, it's best...really"
"Stiles, i really thinks that best"
"Okay, good night Lyds"
The next few weeks i felt really lonely and down. I couldn't sleep good anymore, i had my nightmares again and a few breakdowns by my mom's grave again. I became a little weaker but not super weak, just a little.

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