Everything becomes clear

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P.o.v. Stiles
I was waiting in the hospital for 4 and a half hours when mellisa finnaly came. "Hello stiles, i looked at lydia and she's really lucky that she survived ! She first of all almost killed herself and now that that beast almost killed her she's really really lucky, Stiles you have to take care that she never does this again. It's really dangerous !"
"I will look after her mellisa i'll take care of her" "ok Stiles, then she can go this midday okay ? Ow and in an hour and a half you can go visit her"
"Thank you Mellisa!"
I'm going to Malia, i'm going to tell her what happend with Lydia and Allison."
So i drove to malia and told her everything.
"Why did you went to the hospital with her? I was all alone here you know Stiles !!!" She says. "Wow Malia calm down, you don't even care about me that much, you're always going out with theo... You think i don't know that? Plus Lydia is my best friend, i'm not going to leave her again !"
"I'm telling you, if you talk to her it's over between us! She's a mentally sick bitch. She's really crazy and not good enough for any boy. When you talk to her it's over !" "Wow this decision isn't difficult at all, it's over then i think." "You can't stiles! Don't walk away!" I start walking away, away from Malia, "Sorry Malia, you're still my friend ! But i can't leave lydia." Then i start running to my jeep. I can almost see Lydia again. When i'm at the hospital there are still 5 min over before i can see her. I start running to her room, i'm precisely on time... And i walk in her room. "Hey lydia" i say when i see her, just before i ran to her room i bought her a teddy bear. I gave teddy too her with a big grin on my face. "Hey lyds..."
"I'm sorry" we said in usion. "No Lyds, i should've been there for you !!! I'm so sooo sorry !" She begins to cry. I run to her and sit next to her. "Shhh... Shhhhh, it's okay Lyds... I'm so so sorry. I'm going to bring you home this afternoon. Ok and i will come and check on you some days ok."
She starts panicking... I don't get it, i thought she would be happy to go home. "No... Nooo, please please... Can't i stay a little bit longer in the hospital ? I... I... Please don't send me home!" "Why not Lyds? Tell me please." "I can't..." "Why Lydia, why can't you tell me ? I know i haven't been a good friend, but i'm going to be there for you... Really." "I just can't tell........ I just... I've never told it to anyone." "Look Lyds, i'm here for you, You can tell me..." "Uhmm, ok... I think that i can trust you........"

P.o.v. Lydia
"Uhmm, my parents don't really like me, they hate me actually... Because i have 'red hair" i saw him resisting the urge to tell me that i hadn't red hair but strawberry blonde. "And they say that i'm ugly, and that i'm not good enough... Because i don't look like a model..." I almost started crying now. "And they say that i'm fat, so i sometimes didn't eat for days, and i trained really much, but it was all okay, cause i had you as my best friend when we were younger,  but when i talked a few times about you my dad said that i didn't deserve you because i'm a really bad person... Who nobody loves. That's what they always said, that's why i started ignoring you.... That's the reason why we stopped being friends for a few years. And ummm... They said a few really mean things to me... Because of that i started cutting myself... I was 15... I... I didn't... I didn't do it that often, you know. When everybody left me i started doing it more often. I started starving myself more... I cut myself because i... It.... The pain, it's just the mental pain, it, it is sometimes just to much, then i take it away with the fysical pain... I knew it wasn't good, but it just hurt so much. And my parents didn't even care, they just kept on saying that i was bad, wrong, a mistake, a freak, that nobody would ever love me, take care of me, that i would be alone for my whole live..... It's just... I don't know i... That's the reason why i don't want to go back to my parents.... I'm really scared of them... My dad uhmm hits me sometimes..." "What do you mean with sometimes Lyds?" "Like 5 times a week, or yeah sometimes 4 when he has a good week" "I'm sorry, i'm just being pathetic... " I said. "no you're not, you don't always need to think that you did something wrong !" He was now also crying. "Can you please lie next to me?" I ask. he comes and lies next to me and he pulls me in a long hug. After the hug he just stays there with me for a few hours. This is the first time i'm feeling really save in a year and a half. I wanted this to never end, but i shouldn't be lieing here with him and thinking like this. He has Malia.

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