Chapter 7

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"Well Alex, we are moving to a small house. But me and your father are buying you an apartment!" My mouth dropped. The first thing that came to my mind was "Harry". My mom smiled at me.

"No!" I snapped. I didn't want to live alone. Harry would follow me. My dad's face was shocked.

"Yes young lady! Now get packing or I'll start cracking!" I stomped up stairs and slammed my door. How could they do this without my permission. I know I sound like a little kid but it's true. I walked around in my room and saw that black t-shirt from earlier. I ran over to it and grabbed it and smelled it. A small smile came on my face. I put the shirt back down. My mom and dad entered my room with out knocking.

"Get some sleep Alex, tomorrow we drive you to your apartment!" I rolled my eyes and they laughed as if I was joking. They walked out and shut my door. My bed was pretty bare. Today I was crying because I just lost my best friend. Now I'm crying because I'm going to be living on my own and I have to worry about that Harry guy. I cried myself to sleep.

My mom shook me until my eyes were open all the way. I mumbled some words but she shushed me.

"Come on Alex! We have everything in the car!" I closed my eyes again but my mom shook me even harder. I finally got up and walked with her. She told me to wash up and so I did. She gave me fresh clothes and my shoes. I put them on and brushed my hair. I got into the car and my mom was smiling. I looked out the window for the car ride.

"Oh Alex! You'll love this place! Plus I'm paying for it! Rent and everything!" Her voice trailed off. When we got there, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. My mom opened the trunk and I grabbed as many boxes as I could. I have four boxes while she had my tv. We walked into the apartments. Cold air greeted us. A women walked over to us with a dolly. We set the boxes down on the dolly and the women smiled.

"So you must be Alex Smith! Glad to meet you!" I forced a smile across my face and shook the women's hand. My mom turned to me and hugged me.

"I love you, honey." I balled my hands.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't be doing this to me!" She frowned and kissed my forehead. She walked out and waved. I turned towards the women with the dolly. She handed me keys.

"These unlock your apartment, dear." I nodded my head. I walked up the steps as she called people to help her carry the boxes. I was at my apartment waiting and then I saw her. I unlocked the door and they put my boxes in. They all smiled and left. I walked into my apartment and shut the door behind me. I started to un-pack and fixed up my room first. A light pink blanket with pink pillows. I put some things around and after 30 minutes of un-packing, I was tired. I sat on my bed, smelling the black t-shirt. I heard someone say something.

"So, you have my shirt, huh?" I yelped and hopped off the bed to see Harry sitting on my bed. He was right behind me.

"This is... your shirt?" He grinned.

"Yep. I smell good, don't I?" I blushed. I couldn't lie. I've been sniffing this thing for the enitre day. I nodded my head. He chuckled. He patted the bed for me to sit.

"Just because I've been sniffing your shirt, doesn't mean we are friends! I still don't like you, so out!" His chest rose up and down, he was getting angry again. I backed up and gulped. I threw the shirt at him, which he caught at ease. He threw it onto the bed and started walking towards me again. I backed up and I hit the wall. I slid down the wall and was shaking. He stood up and grabbed my hand and yanked me up. A small groan came from my lips. He pinned me against the wall. My wrists were pinned to my side. As I struggled to escape his "fun game", it didn't work. He put his head onto my shoulder and sat it there, not trying anything. I stopped struggling and listened to his heart-beat. Because I was so short, he had to bend down. I finally said something.

"You're hurting my wrists..." He let go as soon as I said that. His face was red.

"Sorry, love." I nodded my head slowly and walked towards the door that lead to the hallway.

"I think it's time for you to go, Harry..." He looked up at me and grinned. 

"No, I'll stay here for tonight." I gulped down fear. I shook my head and pointed to the door. He walked over to me.

"Then let's go to my place." Again, I gulped down fear. A smirk appeared on his face. He grabbed my wrist as I struggled and he pulled me out of my apartment. He pulled me down the steps and outside. He pulled me into his car and locked the door so I couldn't escape. The lock on my door was broken so I couldn't get out. He got into his car and started the engine. He grinned.

"You'll love my place." Once again, I gulped down fear.

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