Chapter 16

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I prayed for Harry to come along. But nothing in my life ever goes right. I was shoved into a push with James crashing on top of me. Why was I in this problem? Why did I have to be with vampires? I wish I had a regular life. Nothing had ever went right. The day that I was born into the world, everything bad started to happen. My life was crashing down in front of me and not just because I just got shoved into a bush. James pinned down my wrists with his hands and he grinned.

"You'll forget all about Harry, Alex." He did a thirsty groan and he looked down at my eyes. I was waiting for a rush of force to come to me, and there it was. I felt my body resist his body and I quickly over powered him. I threw him off of me and used the last bit of my power to run to the car. I heard James slur a few words. I was guessing James wasn't like Harry because he was running, not teleporting. My thoughts were slowing me down. I couldn't help it though. Damn it! Where was Harry? Any other time he would be here but my guess was, he was still helping Megan. I was almost at the car when I felt a hand hit me. James didn't get a good grip because I kept running and he fell flat on his face. I didn't have time to laugh. I kept running but soon ran out of energy. My short legs only kept a light jog as I heard James catching up. I tried to force myself to run faster but I couldn't. I soon fell to the ground and James hovered over me. He crawled on top of me and rose his fist. But my body shut down. I passed out while his fist came crashing down to my face.

I opened my eyes to a soft bed as my hands were tightly clinging to something. My eyes burned but yet I manged to open them. I tried to make a smile to seeing a boy with curly hair with his eyes closed. But it pained me to smile. I rose slowly as I felt the bed shake. I laid back down because my body ached all over. I turned towards Harry, looking at his perfect, flawless face. I stared at his perfect face until he grumbled my name and his eyes opened. A small gasp came from his lips but he did it quietly so I wouldn't hear, or what he thought. He rose his hand to my face. He cupped my chin but I flinched. Harry looked at my bruised, disgusting face.

Harry 's P.O.V;

Her face was torn and broken in because of James. A million thoughts raced through my mind. The one that stood out the most was "I wasn't there to protect her". I held her hand but she flinched again.

"Sorry.." She said gently. My eyes looked away from our hands and to her eyes.

"Why are you sorry? I wasn't there to protect you... It's my fault!" I rose from my bed getting angry at myself. I paced back and forth in my room. I slammed my hands down on a table that was in my room. I looked up in a mirror and saw a sight that made me cut out of it my hissy-fit. Alex was sitting there with tears in her eyes. I turned towards her. Her cut lip, brused eye, and little cuts here and there on her face. I gently walked over to her and sat on the bed. I wiped her tears. She flinched when I hit a cut on her face. I scooted closer to her and gently pressed my lips on her lips. Again, she flinched but she didn't break the kiss. I opened my eyes to look at her face. Cuts like the usual. I put my hand up against her shoulder. She leaned in closer so I didn't have to stretch so far. She ended up breaking the kiss and she rubbed her lip. She got up out of the bed and walked towards the mirror and looked at her reflection. Tears gently glided down her face. 

"I'm.. going to go take a shower..." She mumbled. She walked over to a pile of clothes she had and picked some up. Before I could say anything, she walked out and into my bathroom. Why was I so stupid? I could have protected her. But I was saving Megan, who is now at the hospital, relaxing. She suffering from Memory Loss, so she doesn't even know who she is, or what happened.  I heard the water running and I sat on my bed. After a few seconds or so, I heard a faint hum. I got up, following the noise, which kept getting louder and louder. I was soon at the bathroom and I heard Alex humming a song that I didn't know. I smirked at the idea of her singing to me. I walked to the kitchen and sat down on a chair and drank some soda from a soda bottle that was on the counter. I mumbled to myself and after 5 minutes, Alex came out with her hair straighten and in her clothes but I didn't study them to long. I got up and walked towards her. Her face looked a lot better then before, which made me smile. There wasn't as much as dirt as there was before on her face. I cleaned her a bit last night but not a lot because she would cry everytime I put the cold wash-rag onto her face. She did a light smile at me and brushed past me and walked into the kitchen. She poured herself a bit of water and then sat on a chair.

"So what were you humming in the shower?" Her eyes looked up from what she was doing. I grinned as her face got very red.

"It's from a computer game..." She mumbled. I laughed and walked over to her and sat down next to her.

"So you like video games?" She looked up and nodded her head. A small smile was on her face before she began drinking the water again. I smiled and got up and walked in to the living room. I grabbed my laptop and walked back and put it on the kitchen counter. I opened it and put my password in.

"Well, you can play on my laptop." She looked up and shook her head.

"I have to get going, Harry..." She got up, and I didn't even notice what she was wearing. She was wearing black skinny jeans with grey Uggs and hoodie that said "Cool Story Babe, Now Go Make Me A Sandwich". I couldn't even stop but I let something slip out of my mouth.

"You like girls?" She looked up with a look on her face.

"No, and if I did, I wouldn't see why there's a problem with that!" She hissed. She turned and started heading towards the door but I grabbed her hand.

"Where are you going?" She sighed and turned towards me.

"My job. I work at Hot Topic. Now I really have to go Harry!" I sighed and took a deep breath. I grabbed my car keys and took her hand with my free hand. Her hair was straighten and it gave me an idea.

"Stay right here." She looked up and nodded her head. I ran to my room and grabbed a beanie and came back to see her still waiting. I put the beanie on her and she smiled. I opened the door and we were greeted by a white blanket of snow. I picked her up so she wouldn't have to get her shoes wet. She giggled as I opened her door and put her in. I walked to the other side and opened my door and started the car. Looking past the scars and bruises on her face, she was a beautiful girl with a beautiful personality.

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