Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open when I felt breathing on me. I turned to my side but there was nothing there. I pulled out my phone to check what time it was. I mumbled to myself.

"2:14 am..." I slid my phone into my pocket and crawled out of my tent. I walked over to Megan's tent to see if It wasn't locked. It wasn't so I crawled in and poked her in the face. Her eyes opened and she looked at me.

"Alex... what do you want?" I giggled.

"Lets go scare Ashley!" She smiled and nodded. We crawled out of her tent and walked over to Ashley's. 

"How do we wanna scare her?" Megan looked around and saw something. She ran over to it and grabbed it and came back.

"Let's pour water on her." We checked to see if her tent was locked. It wasn't. I looked at Megan climbed slowly in to her tent and grabbed her phone. We giggled.

"On the count of 3! 1...2...3!" Megan poured the water and it hit the tent, sinking on through. We laughed and heard her jump and yell. Waking everyone else up in the process. Everyone came out of there tank as Ashley ran out of hers. Everyone laughed as she stared at us. She started smiling and she laughed. 

"Haha. Cute." We all laughed one more time and then crawled back into our tents. Everyone went back to sleep. I laid in my bed, on my side. I pulled out my phone to get on facebook but someone pulled me up.

"Ow!They turned my body and there he was. He had red eyes and two fangs. Blood slowly came off of his lip. He licked his lips and cupped my face. I would have moved but I felt like I was frozen. My body was shaking so badly. He came closer but finally I felt like I wasn't frozen. I backed up and his face got disgusted. I unzipped my camping bag and hopped out. I screamed and everyone came out.

"Alex! What's Wrong!" Sarah ran over to me as I wiped my tears. I pointed to my tent. 

"Some...Someone's in there!" Sarah looked at me like I was crazy but she got her flash light and peaked into my tent. All the girls were out with me, or with Sarah. Sarah walked back to me.

"Alex.. No one is in there!" Tears streamed down my face.

"Please take me home..." Ruby walked up.

"You'll have to walk! We are having a good time and you're not going to ruin it!" Everyone started to mumbled and I was in shock.

"Fine!" I stomped over to my tent and grabbed my stuff. I left my tent there. I turned on my flash light, as everyone stared at me in shock. I started to walk but I turned around.

"How could you guys not believe me!" I took off before anyone could say anything. I started to walk when they stopped chasing me. I flashed my light around, looking for the glowsticks to know that I was walking in the right direction. After a while of walking, I heard someone talking.

"You can't get away." I flashed my light to where the voice came from. It was the guy who was in my tent. His red eyes shined in the light. I turned away to start walking away but I blinked and he was in front of me. He looked down into my eyes. 

"Leave me alone!" He looked at me. 

"Don't you know what I am?" He grabbed my hand. I tried to tug away but it didn't work. He licked his lips. He hissed and his fangs showed. My body felt like jelly. I started shaking. He grinned. 

"I'm a vampire and a ghost." I tug away with my eyes filling with tears.

"Please don't hurt me.." He grinned and pulled me closer.

"You're pretty. No, beautiful. I want you to be with me." I finally got his grip to let go of me. I took off and I didn't look back. I shouted so he would hear me.

"And I don't want to be with you!" I felt better running. I held on to my bookbags I turned to see if he was behind me. I smiled when I noticed he wasn't there anymore. I turned my head and I ran into something. I flew back and hit the ground. I held my head and groaned. I slowly got up. I looked up and there he was, licking his lips.

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