Chapter 24

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Luhan's POV

"Give her memories back now!"

"Why do you care?"


"Jiyun, calm down."

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE?" She shouted at L. I rolled my eyes and leaned in towards her face.

"Let's make a deal. I will give her back her memory but only in the war. Until then, do not disturb us. And give Kai back." Jiyun smirked and pulled me closer, holding me by the collar.

"Deal." Jiyun pushed me back and I fell over. She came over towards me and stepped on my stomach. I groaned. Her high heels were sharp.

"You better keep the deal or else your precious lady will burn in my hands." I let out a small laugh.

"What did she ever do to you huh?" She stepped on me even more. I groaned again.

"Everything. L, get ready to give Kai back."

"Jiyun, listen, that also ruins our plan!"

"Change our plan then. Luhan, you better keep that deal." I nodded as I got up.

"Kai is in the second room to the left." Jiyun informed. I nodded as I walked towards the room. I knocked and Kai opened it. His face disgusted me.

"Who...are you?"

"I'm your brother. Let's go."

"Wait stop! I never had a brother!"

"You have 11 now shut up and follow me."

"What the shi--"

"Watch your language! I'm older than you!"

"As if. This shorty? No way!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I'm short and I've got a baby face but believe or not, I'm older than you!"

"Wait how did you--"

I tapped on my head.

"I can read minds!"


"And you can teleport....gosh...I feel like I'm going around in circles -_-"

"You're not a human!" He shouted.

I sighed.

"Yea. I'm a monster and so are you. Now get out of that room you dic---"

"Luhan! You can't teach him bad words!" L swung his arm around my shoulder. I was disgusted. I pushed him off and he smirked. He leaned in towards my ear.

"Do you want his memory back?" He lift up a jar with Kai's name on it.

"Of course."

"Then let's make a deal. Make Soojung get banished from the castle like Jiyun." I kept silent. I heard him chuckle. I have to get that out of his hands...

Baekhyun's POV


I groaned.

"Are you ok?"

I felt a pair of cold hands on my forehead.

"You have a high fever!"

My eyes started to open and I saw Wendy's face.


"No silly, it's me. Tinky."


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