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Deke watches the girl rubbing herself against one of the younger members, one of her legs straddling his waist, her skirt riding up and down to reveal her plump round ass, her nipples clearly visible beneath her white crop top. Despite the full face of makeup, she's barely seventeen. He knows the women from the girls, he's constantly having to throw out some teenager trying to worm her way into his bed. He may like to fuck, but he doesn't fuck kids. 

"Tell that son of a whore that I'll tear his balls out through his asshole if he doesn't get that female the fuck out of here. What the fuck does he think this is, a strip joint?"

Bruiser doesn't hesitate, he makes his way across to the clueless fuck and smashes a fist into his unsuspecting face. The girl lets out a high pitched scream, stumbles backwards and falls on her ass, her bare pussy spread out for all to see. There are a few jeers from the men standing closest to her, but soon one of them will go over to her and take her home. She will no doubt have to pay for services rendered with a mouth full of cock.

Deke turns away in disgust and focuses on the scene before him. Its been an hour since the MC surrounded the Kramer house and the cops are still hanging around, which really pisses him off. That fucking asshole of a police chief has chosen this week of all weeks to take a vacation, with Deke's money and on Deke's time. He's going to have to have a word when the fucker is back. No one leaves him waiting around like this.

"Deke, do we rush them or...?"

He turns to look at Spark, one of his trusty generals. Spark's nose, broken in a bar fight when he was sixteen, looks more unbalanced than usual. He's a good man, but not the sharpest tool in the shed.

"We wait. The cops can't hang around all day and they sure as fuck won't attempt to give us the slip. We'll get him. He might as well let the cops play with his dick because today's the last day he'll get to beat it."

Deke can't comprehend how the fucking teacher got to Billy's daughter, thirteen year old Cammie, on school property. He has seen Cammie a couple of times, a nice polite little girl with blonde pigtails. Cammie who never fails to greet anyone she comes across at the clubhouse. She's Billy's life, he can't imagine what Billy is going through right now. The rape caused such severe tearing, the doctors had to remove the kid's uterus. Just a fucking little kid, who'll now never get to have kids. Deke starts to feel the familiar rage throbbing in his skull, he needs to control it, because if he succumbs, he will be sitting on death row. 

He takes a couple of deep breaths. When he's done here, he'll pick up a couple of the women who are standing around here watching the drama, open mouthed, eyeing the bikies with barely concealed lust. Almost all of them are looking at him, so he'll pick the two redheads who are watching Spark instead. Nothing like a bit of challenge, a bit of excitement after you've beat the shit out of someone.

He cracks his knuckles and looks towards the road leading to the back of the house. There is a small red Toyota approaching, it seems to be headed for the house. 

"They better not be fucking trying a rescue." Bruiser's face is dark, his fists clenched as he watches the red car with Deke. Deke glances around at the strained faces of his crew. This rape is affecting everyone badly, a few of the older guys have daughters Cammie's age, and they are the ones he's finding hardest to hold back. But they need to listen, he has a plan and any man who goes against him, will pay a heavy price.

But right now he can't sit around doing nothing, he starts up his engine and turns to Bruiser. He can see that Bruiser wants to know where he's going, but he won't ask. Everyone knows Deke is never to be questioned, not even if you're his best friend.

"If they try anything, its demolition derby, hear me?"

"Louder than my girl's ass-fucking screams."

Deke can't help smiling at that. He gives Bruiser a small salute and heads in the direction of the Toyota, his beast growling like a pride of pissed off lions.

He reaches the car before it gets to the house. He is going to hit it head on if the driver doesn't stop. There are few who would not be intimidated by the sight of his monster of a bike flying towards them at breakneck speed. 

The car screeches to a halt and Deke manoeuvres past it beautifully, skimming the side mirror as he passes by. He slams on his brakes and executes a perfect one eighty degree turn, before riding back to the now stationary car. Even if the driver has nothing to do with Les Kramer, they should know better than to come anywhere near MC business.  

Deke rides slowly over to the car, stops and dismounts. He needs to vent some of his pent up energy and this person is unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the right time. He walks over to the drivers side with every intention of hauling the fucker out of the car. But before he can wrench the door open, the driver steps out.

The woman's long raven hair falls freely over her shoulders and down her back. Her blue eyes stare at him from under a thicket of eyelashes, challenging him,daring him. Her lips are plump and painted dark red. She is stunning, but this isn't the reason he finds himself suddenly frozen to the spot, its the small birthmark shaped like a pair of horns sitting on the right side of her neck.

Deke regains some control and although his heart is going at a hundred miles a minute, he smiles at her lazily.

"El Diablo"

Her eyes widen in shock as her fingers reach up to touch the birthmark.

"Welcome back Jenna."

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now