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"Why the fuck can't we do this now Deke? This is my little girl. That fucker gets his three meals a day while my baby girl lies there with a feeding tube down her throat."

Billy has aged ten years since Deke last saw him. But the new lines on his face don't detract from the fire blazing in his eyes. I feel you Billy, I feel you.

"This is not my law. This is club law. Either he defends himself, which he's not in a state to do, or he has someone represent him."

Deke is not exaggerating, Les Kramer has deteriorated mentally in the last week. The stench emanating from Les' room has the prospects refusing to deliver his daily ration of food and water. The girls haven't stopped complaining about the creepy moaning coming from the room, there aren't too many members who would stop Billy from walking into that room and putting a bullet through Les' temple. But the law is the law.


The prospect comes over, trying hard to hide his pride at being picked by the Pres. He's a good kid, only nineteen but almost as tall as Deke with a full head of spiky auburn hair and the clearest blue eyes. He's built like a rock and the women are already throwing themselves at the kid, much to Opie's embarrassment. But for Deke, its not his good looks, it's his smarts and work ethic that Deke appreciates. He knows something most of the others don't, Opie's flying through college well on his way to graduating as a doctor,with Deke's support and blessing. The kid will go far and Deke will make sure he backs him all the way. It's never too early to think of a successor.

"Ope, I've sent you an address, you'll find Les Kramers attorney Jenna Childs there. Tell her to get her ass over here, we are going to start the trial this week."

As Opie rushes past Billy, Deke sees a grudging acceptance on Bill's face. Deke needs to gather senior members from five other charters and thats going to take a while, but he's just committed to Billy that it'll be done this week. And everyone, including Billy understands this. Deke refuses to let Jenna enter his thoughts, he has managed not to think of her once in the last week, but it's getting increasingly difficult. He's pissed off that his heart is already racing at the thought of seeing her again. This is not him, no woman has ever been able to do this to him.

No one but this raven haired beauty with the smouldering eyes and beautiful curves, legs that he wants wrapped around him, lips he wants to suck until they are swollen. He has never wanted a woman as badly as he wants Jenna right now. Fuck.

"Deke, you want us to start gathering the elders?"

Spark is looking at him intently, they all are. Deke looks around the thick oak table at his men. Spark, Rocco, Bruiser, Cripple, Shady and Lou. Good men, loyal men. He grew up with them, took over the club with them. They elected him Pres and have backed him ever since. But recently, they've been distracted, and have questioned his decisions more than he likes.

"No, I need you here. Send Opie and some of the other kids, I'll make sure the clubs know they're coming. Right now, I want to know why the fuck I'm getting approached by the Browns about resurrecting the drug trade. I've said it once, we are not doing fucking powder, where the fuck is this coming from."

They are silent before Lou speaks.

"Deke, we're losing out to all the other fucking gangs in every direction from here because we're out of the trade. Millions Deke, enough to really establish ourselves, to give the club, the families a good life."

Deke feels the heat rising up through his chest and flooding his face. After every fucking thing he's done to make sure the club's legitimate businesses flourish, they are bringing up the fucking trade again. They wanted to do guns, he let them. They wanted to set up a bunch of whorehouses, he supported them. The combined income from all the businesses makes the club enough to give everyone what they need, including the fucking diamonds studs on their mistresses pussy lips. And still its not enough.

"So none of you are living a good life now?" he growls, locking eyes with Lou, daring him to fucking say it.

"We're getting left behind. We're losing our clout, they fucking see us as a bunch of toothless old whores. And one day they'll make a play for the guns and everything we own."

Lou is breathing hard and his clenched fists sit on the table in front of him. What the fuck has them so wound up? Deke is across everything, but he's missed something. He's got to shut this fucker down.

"I'm not saying it again. We don't do powder, we don't do rock. If any of you have a problem with that, or you think I'm losing my "clout", lets settle it now."

"Ok Lou shut the fuck up, Deke says no and that's it."

Bruiser turns to Deke. "Prez you know we're behind you all the way."

Its a good time to adjourn, he'll give them time to think about what he's said. But if they bring it up again, he won't let it pass. Right now he's got to focus on settling the O'Reilly case. After that, he'll deal with Lou. He remains seated as the men file out. Bruiser stays behind.

"What the fuck was that about? Does he want me to fucking kill him?"

"Deke, the guy is not doing great after his old lady ran off with the prospect. His pride is hurt, you've got to give him some breathing space."

It's been a few weeks since Lou's wife fucked off with an ex-prospect and despite a hunt for them, it appeared they planned it really well because no one even saw them steal the bike and leave town.He gets that its fucking hard, but no one questions him. No one.

"Lets get a fucking drink."

He and Bruiser walk into the main room of the clubhouse. The place is teeming with members, prospects and a bunch of the girls from the brothel next door. One of the girls, Alana, catches his eye and smiles. Ordinarily he wouldn't go near any of the working girls, but Alana is beautiful and goodnatured, one of the few girls he doesn't mind hanging out with.

"Hey Hon, want a drink."

She doesn't wait for his answer, instead cracking a beer open for him.

"Lana, you good?"

"Sure Deke, I mean business is a little slow, you know with the townsfolk worrying about the guy, that creep locked up in there. But they'll soon forget about him when their wives start nagging and their kids start screaming. You look real tense Deke, let me help you."

He reaches out and takes one of her raven locks between his fingers. Her hair is beautiful and silky, suddenly his cock is hard and he wants to fuck her. He takes a swig of his beer, grabs her hand and leads her to his room. He is ripping her clothes off before he's even shut the door. She is laughing softly, helping him. He lifts her onto his hips, plunging his cock deep into her moist pussy. He grabs a handful of her dark hair, closes his eyes and as he cums inside her, he moans in her ear, "Jenna."

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now