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"Fuck Ope, you're not playing with fire, you're playing with a fucking A-bomb."

The short dark haired man with a lightning bolt tattooed across his face ignores Jenna and confronts Opie. A mixture of incredulity and fear cross his face as he walks up to Opie, who stands in front of Jenna as if protecting her.

"Jenna, you know Kat's digs, go on, make yourself comfortable."

"Nah, nah, hold on, I wanna hear what she has to say about this. I mean she's here to do a job, not fuck around with the club, unless that's her M.O."

The man is staring at Jenna, daring her to argue back. Opie's hand is still on her thigh, he gives it a squeeze, a warning not to say anything.

"Spark, how often do I get to enjoy the entertainment. Look at her, under all the lawyer shit, she's just tits and ass, why can't I get me some of that?"

Opie smiles disarmingly at the man, Spark, who looks unconvinced.

"You don't fucking get it college boy, this piece of ass belongs to Deke. You fuck with it, you get your hands blown off. Everyone knows it, even if Deke hasn't said so, you can't be that fucking stupid. He loves you man, he fucking loves you, are you going to do this Ope, for real?"

What is he talking about? Belong to Deke. All Deke's done so far is show Jenna just how little she means to him. Why would this man, or the rest of the club, think she means anything more to him.

"Let's just forget you saw this ok? I'll quit messing with her-"

Spark turns back to Jenna, his eyes venomous.

"You. Is that your plan? You messed with the Prez, now this kid who Deke loves like a brother, are you setting them up on purpose?"

"I don't care for your club or Deke or anyone but that man, who is losing his mind locked up in your club. When he's out, I'm out. Stop talking to me like I'm some whore that works for your club or some groupie following the "Prez" around all day like a love starved puppy, your Prez does not "own"me, neither does Opie. I would think it would take more than some women to bring down a club, unless you're saying I hold that much power. Because shit, if that's the case, you're all royally fucked, because I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

Jenna stares back at Spark, her eyes narrowed, her face burning with shame and anger. Spark looks at her for a long moment, then to her surprise, his face relaxes and he lets out a small chuckle. He holds his hands up.

"Okay, okay. Douse that fire woman. All I'm saying is that if you mess around, don't be stupid and get caught. Both of yous, don't fucking get caught. I'm not gonna say nothing, but there are many who will, and they'll fucking love that Deke turns on you Ope, so fucking watch your backs. And if Deke thinks you betrayed him, you'll see a side you never wished you saw."


"Ope, you aren't careless man, you're never careless, don't slip up again. I saw nothing, I'm getting my beer and I'm going home to fuck my wife. But if Deke asks, I'm not going to lie, my loyalty is to my Prez "

He turns, grabs a beer out of the fridge and walks out without looking at them. Jenna's thigh muscles are sore, from Opie's grip and from the tension of the situation. Opie turns to look at her, his face etched with worry lines.

"You okay?"

"I'm just tits and ass am I ?"

" I was just -"

She gives him a small smile and ruffles his hair. He grabs her wrist suddenly making her gasp. Then he kisses the inside hard, his eyes blazing as he looks up at her.

"Don't ever do that again, I'm not a kid," he says, his voice low and hoarse.

No you certainly are not. She is turned on again, his eyes, his lips, the way his hand still holds her thigh like it belongs to him. Stop Jenna, you're going too fast, stop and think. She doesn't understand her reaction, perhaps the danger from a moment ago, the thought of Deke possessing her, this man standing in front of her with a body carved in stone and a face like a dark angel.

"Fuck me," she whispers urgently in his ear.

He looks at her in surprise, then his pupils dilate and with one swoop, he lifts her onto his hips and she wraps her legs around his waist. She can feel his erection throbbing against her and all she wants is for him to tear off her clothes and plunge into her centre.

An ear piercing shriek cuts through the air, stopping Jenna and Opie in their tracks. A man rushes into the hall flailing his hands and screaming. Jenna looks in horror as Opie drops her gently to the ground and tackles the man. Opie traps the man to the ground with a knee to his back, then grabs the man's arms, locking them behind his head.

"Stop Opie, let him go please!"

Les is still shrieking when Jenna drops down to her knees and places her hands on his face.

"Laurie, baby is that you? Please Laurie, get me out of here, they're trying to kill me. How did you find me?"

"Opie, let him go!"

Jenna pushes Opie off Les and turns her attention back to him. His lip is cut from being thrown to the ground, and his eyes look dazed. He lifts his dirty index finger to his lips as he eyes shift wildly from side to side.

"Shh baby girl, it's ok, I won't let them hurt you Laurie, but we need to get out of here."

"Okay okay, we'll get out of here I promise, just put your head down and rest ok?"

He smiles at her, lays his head on the ground and closes his eyes.

"For God's sake, we've got to him to a hospital. I'm taking him out of here whether you help me or not."

"Jenna, Deke's reputation rides on this man getting his punishment. Do you get that? This is bigger than you or me, or Deke. He has fucking built his reputation from ash, if you mess with Les, you mess with everything he has worked for. And he won't forgive you. Or me."

"If you try and stop me, I'll...I'll fight you."

A ridiculous notion and they both know it. Instead, Jenna throws herself on him and kisses him hard. He kisses her back, then pushes her away.

"Don't play me. I like you, all I fucking want is you right now. But I can turn it off just as quickly as I turn it on, so don't make the mistake of assuming I will allow you to use me."

"One day you will be taking the Hippocratic oath, to...what it will make sure you don't hurt or damage the sick right? How will you take it knowing you willingly allowed a man to die? I see it in your eyes, you want to help him. Help me please? Do it because it's the right thing."

"You want me to break my ties with the club? There's no way that's going to happen Jenna-"

"We'll bring him back, before anyone knows? We'll just get a doctor to check him and prescribe something for him, even if it's something to keep him relaxed, please Ope, please I'm begging."

"They'll figure out he's gone."

"Lock the door and say later, after he's back, that you forgot to give someone the key. No one bothers with him anyway according to Kat, everyone finds him disgusting. No one will look in on him, please, we'll be back in a couple of hours. My dad'll help, he has physician friend who can come to the house. We don't need to go to a hospital."

He is starting to look convinced. Jenna raises one of Les's hands.

"He's hurt his hands, he's managed to tear of the wire that bound them, but they are badly torn."

"Two hours, even if its mid sutures, I will bring his ass back here with the needle still stuck in him arm - got it?"

She doesn't bother nodding, she helps Les up and asks Opie to bring a car around. Opie checks to make sure the coast is clear before helping Les into the back of a beat up old Ford. Jenna jumps in next to him and pulls his head onto her lap. Opie looks at her through the rear-view mirror, his beautiful eyes focused on hers.

"Keep your head down, if anyone catches us, you have no idea how fucked we'll be."

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now