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Deke gets off his bike and walks towards the clubhouse. The usual sound of music and raucous laughter is absent in the main hall, he is greeted instead by an eerie silence.

He gets it, people have a lot on their minds, and after Cammie, even the toughest motherfuckers want to spend time with their long neglected families. The assault has shaken everyone to the core, including himself. And now he has to fight his mind to push the loathing he feels for James. His mother's one time client and Ella's father. His blood starts to boil. Still James will not acknowledge it, no one except his wife and Deke know. Jenna walks around with her nose in the air, looking down on Deke and the club, atleast the members acknowledge their bastards.

Ella. God I miss you Elle.

He walks down the corridor, slowly,stealthily towards Kat's room. Jenna fucking better be there, and Ope better not be with her. He walks past Les' door, then stops and turns back. Where is the strange keening that usually comes from the room? Les is deathly quiet.

Fuck. He better not be dead.

Deke places his hand on the doorhandle and tries to push the door open.

Who the fuck locked the door?

He searches his pockets and comes up with his key. He puts it in the lock and turns. Just then movement from the corner of his eye stops him. Spark comes round the corner, and stops abruptly, his eyes growing wide with terror.

"Sparky, where's Jenna?"

Spark's eye shift away from Deke's face and a thin layer of sweat forms on his brow. Deke says nothing, but keeps his eyes firmly on Spark's face.

"I gotta tell you something ..."

He watches Spark carefully. The man is struggling with his words, it's making Deke uncomfortable.

"Three seconds."

"Ope and Jenna, they were here earlier. I'm sorry Deke, they were all over each other."

Deke says nothing for a long moment, while Spark shifts nervously from foot to foot.

"And you did what about it?"

"I...I didn't want to step on your toes Deke, it's not for me to handle, this is your business."

"Why am I hearing this now? They should be here, with you watching them. That's what fucking lieutenants do. You dropped the ball Spark, you fucked up. Where are they?"

"I..I don't -"

Deke growls in disgust. She probably convinced Opie to take her back home.  He walks over to Spark who shrinks back as if expecting a flying fist. Deke places a hand on Spark's shoulder and looks him in the eye. He speaks slowly, his tone measured and his voice low.

"The reason we are so strong is because we have each other's backs. It's the foundation. Trust is the backbone of Palmas. Without it, we are nothing, this club is nothing."

Spark drops his head as if ashamed. Deke pats him once on the back and turns to leave. Spark won't make this mistake again.

"Bruiser's running coke deals with the Bandidos, and hoarding the cash. He's trying to turn the club against you, saying you are driving us to bankruptcy. He's using Jenna as an example of how unstable your judgement is now. Before Jenna, he struggled to get any support, now they are slowly turning to him."

Deke stops, then turns around slowly. He needs to think very carefully, he can't let his anger overwhelm him.

"How long?"

"A month, maybe two. He's cut me out because he doesn't trust me. Deke...I'm sorry man but you've been so blinded by the girl, you've missed stuff you would have picked in a heartbeat."

"Who else knows? The whole club?"

"No one knows about the drugs. But...O'Reilly."

This can't be.

"Be very careful who you accuse, if you aren't sure, tell me."

"I saw Bruiser at Billy's the night Cammie was raped. I was driving past there on my way to the doctors because the old lady was feeling real bad, nausea and stuff. Billy was probably too busy working out the deal to notice his kid was missing."

"Who have you spoken to about this?"

"No one Deke, just you."

"You will keep this to yourself. If I find out anyone else knows, I'm coming back to you old friend. Stay away from the club, take your old lady and go away for a while, say she needs to be with her mom till your baby comes. I don't want Bruiser to suspect anything."

"What are you going to do about Opie?"

Deke looks at Spark for a long moment.

"He loves you man, Bruiser didn't even approach him because he knows that kid would die for you."

"Do you know what's worse than losing respect Spark? Dying. When he walked out of the club with Jenna, because that's what he did, he flipped a massive "fuck you" my way. I have no problem with that, I have a problem with the fact that I trusted him. I don't give a fuck whether Bruiser uses this situation with Opie or not to get more support from the club, I'll sort Bruiser out. I do give a fuck that the kid I took under my wing, the kid who I've supported all these years, thinks what he did is no big fucking deal. I can't let him get away with that."

Spark looks distraught. He's always been sensitive, sometimes Deke wonders if Spark would have ever joined the club if his old man had not been a member all those years ago. Spark opens his mouth.

"Don't ask a question you won't like the answer to. Now do as I said, get out of town. Come back after your kid is born, hopefully 2 months is enough time for all this shit to sort itself out. But now, I need to find Ope."

Deke turns and walks towards the hall and out the door to his bike.

He has no choice, he is surrounded by betrayal. He has to make examples of people, or he will lose control of everything he's worked so hard to build.

All this because of Jenna. It's time to prove to himself that she means nothing to him.

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now