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It's 14 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes and 30seconds since Deke arrived at the hospital.

And its also the first time his fingers twitch.

An hour later he opens his eyes.

And Jenna sits through it all, heart racing, equal doses of hope and fear running through her veins.

It's only when he speaks that she allows herself to feel joy.

"You are beautiful"

His voice is weak, and his eyes struggle to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the window. But he looks at her- really looks. To be looked at like that by this man she loves, like she is the only one in his world, in this moment.

She throws herself onto him, the tears now flowing uncontrollably, her sobs of joy muffled against his neck.

" You came back to me, I thought you would leave me..."

He places his hands on her arms and moves her back weakly and examines her face, his steely grey eyes now focused, alert. The eyes of her protector, her man, her lion.

"Anna...did she hurt you?"

Oh my love, my love. Even now, he thinks only of her.

It takes an hour, and many tears to explain the two weeks he's lost. He doesn't interrupt, lets her speak, her words tumbling into one another as she tries to get it all out. The doctors come in and out, and unlike the last few days, seem more optimistic about his recovery. He has been incredibly lucky, Anna has done less damage than they all thought.

He gets stronger, his eyes brighter, his thinking clearer. Jenna can tell he's itching to leave, to get back to running the club, to doing what he knows best - leading. The members come and go, the nurses flirt and the matrons grumble about the noise.

And in the quiet moments, Jenna and Deke talk and plan. And nighttime is for love, for reconnecting in the most primal way.

" You're never leaving LP..."

She smiles.

" I don't know about that, I have friends, work..." he grabs her and kisses her hard. Oh my God I've missed this.

He smiles slyly and pulls her into the bed. She protests weakly.

"Deke...not here...not..."

She throws a furtive glance towards the door, looking out for the nurses. He turns her face towards him and she forgets her worry.

And then she can't stop herself, she doesn't want to. He kisses her, pulls her jeans down slightly  and slips his fingers into her warmth. She gasps and tries not to make a sound. He pushes deeper and starts a rhythmic movement in and out, watching her eyes, his lips curled in a small sensual smile. Her man, all hers, this powerful man. Jenna stops fighting and pulls her jeans off, she encircles his huge cock with her hands and starts moving them up and down, his groan of desire making her wetter. He is lying down but pulls her onto him, his arms no longer weak, but strong powerful. Then she is riding him hard fast. And all the while they stare into each other's eyes, watching the love, the want.  And she closes her eyes and tries not to scream.

But soon the room is filled with her primal sounds as she comes over and over again.

And when she opens her eyes, and looks around in slight embarrassment, Deke turns her face towards his. The smile still playing on his face, but his eyes serious.

"You are MC, you don't need to worry about anyone."

She looks at him for a long moment. Years of doing the right thing, following the rules, the law, being a good public servant - all this deeply ingrained in every fibre of her being. And in his words, the reminder that she now plays by different rules. And with him, she can do whatever she wants.
That truth in his steely eyes, disturbing but oh so intoxicating.

This time, she doesn't look around her when she takes off her shirt and bra and starts kissing him.

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now