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The space next to her on the bed is empty, God she misses his warmth. Her legs are still weak from their early morning love making - she sighs with satisfaction, she could really get used to this life.

What is she thinking? This is her life. That glorious thought makes her smile. A soft knock on the door and Jenna hastily pulls on one of Deke's t-shirts. She answer and a familiar face looks in.

"How about some breakfast"

"I don't know how anything works around here Lana"

The older woman stands at the door. Why isn't she coming in? They are all so careful around her now - she is Deke's woman. She is tempted to ask Lana to drop the formality and just come in, but she stops herself. This is the club, these are the rules, they are built to protect her and she's okay with that.

Lana laughs softly.

"Babe, you are in the Presidents room, wearing the Prez's T, you don't really need to worry about working anything out."

Jenna feels her face burn slightly, God why can't she just start relaxing and stop being so embarrassed whenever anyone makes sexual innuendos??

"I'll be out in a minute"

Lana smiles and closes the door.

When Jenna emerges, hair freshly washed and smelling like men's shower gel, the main clubhouse is abuzz with activity and chatter. She feels so alive.

Her smile fades ever so slightly.

The women here today are not the wives and girlfriends,the WAGs as she thinks of them, today it's the working girls.

Lana comes over with a steaming cup of coffee.

Jenna needs to figure out how all this works, the WAGs don't mix with the whores, the men make the rules of engagement clear.

"I don't get how the women can handle their men hanging around the prost....the other women."

This is awkward, but Lana doesn't avoid her eyes.

"They don't like it Jenna, but they don't really have a choice. I think it kinda gives them a break you know, some whore taking care of your man means you have more time for yourself right? Also this is club business too, a big part of the MC's income. You can't take a man away from his business."

No, but you can keep that business out of the man's home for God's sake.

"I would never...this won't work for me Lana."

The woman says nothing, it makes her uneasy. She looks at Lana pointedly.

"Does he have anyone else?"

Lana looks her directly in the eye.

"That's a question for your man Jenna, not me. But no, I don't think so."

What the fuck? Don't think so.

Jenna follows Lana's eyes as she looks over at the gang of girls, probably nineteen 0r twenty year olds.

Young, eager, beautiful. Clamouring for attention, fake high pitched laughs, their boobs falling out of their tank tops, their bodies angled so that their butts attract every eye. Lana sighs.

"But that could change, later when you have kids, I don't know Jenna, I love Deke, but this life it can be a hard one."

This is not what she wants to hear. She loves him so much, she wants nothing but to be with him, but she also won't be naive. He is the MC and this is their world. They have their own rules, she benefits from those, but those rules also mean she can't question certain things. She certainly can't demand anything.

DEKE (An Alpha Male Motorcycle Club Romance)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now