Spring Days *24*

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Ok I know Ive taken forever to get this out (and I know it's short on top of that), but the next chapter is going to have results so look forward to that!



Your parents sat stunned as you recalled your journey up to now. A chuckle escaped your lips as you finished your last story where Axel saved you from the Stalker.

"I'm not sure I'm entirely comfortable knowing you've been running around in- in different worlds! Fighting these-these-these evil people!" Your mother gasped.

"You almost got married? Married??" You father said as well. Your mom turned on him.

"That is what you pick out? The almost marriage? She has nearly been killed multiple times!"

"I get that, but she's alive and well now! Also who's this [BOC] boy?" Your dad turned back to you. The mention of [BOC] had your mom turning to you as well.

"Is it that boy with the [BOC's hair color]? With the pretty [BOC's eye color] eyes?" Your mom smiled. Your face began to involuntarily redden and your nom's smile widened, "Oh [Name]! He is very handsome! Look at my little baby all grown up."

Her eyes began to mist over as she pinched your cheeks lovingly. You began to protest when someone walked back into the room. Your nom's hands were still on your face when you glanced over to greet them.

"[Name]!" Yuffie cheered as she skipped in. Behind her was Tifa, Yuna, KK, Paine, and Xion. They all gave you a welcoming smile.

"There's someone who would like to speak to you Mr and Mrs. [Surname]." Tifa smiled.

Your parents glanced at each other nervously. You rolled your eyes and pulled your nom's hands from your cheeks.

"I'll be fine guys. Go see what's up." You smiled. They both kissed your briefly on the head before hesitantly leaving the room.

Tifa and the others girls crowded your cot and began to speak fast. You laughed and shook your head.

"Guys guys slow down!" You grinned, "How'd you guys get here? On earth?"

"Well after Sephiroth wreaked havoc on Sol we searched everywhere for you." Yuna shrugged.

"Of course we never would've thought to look on Earth." Tifa sighed, "We got a message from Axel though saying he knew where Sephiroth was and that he knew what the guy's next move was gonna be."

"How long have you guys been here?" You asked.

"A few days." Paine shrugged.

"We nearly went crazy when Axel ran in with you." KK smiled. Yuffie grabbed your hand and pulled you up.

"Come on! Let's get you washed up. You look like death." Yuffie said bluntly.

"Yuff." Tifa scolded the short haired girl. You chuckled and let Yuffie drag you down the hall. The other girls waved and headed in a different direction. Yuffie led you to a cave room where a ramp led upwards to a hole in the ceiling. You curiously followed her up.

"Is this..." You began when she gave your unhurt shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Your parents said you might wanna see it." Yuffie replied, "Besides this is one of the safe houses we use for the bathroom. Some of the rebel guys have the water working. No electricity though."

You stepped from the dirty cave ground onto a dusty wooden floor of a living room. Your living room.

The house you lived in for most of your life was in shambles. Furniture was broken and missing. There were holes in the wall and floor.

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