Spring Days *25*

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I did it. I freaking did it. I wrote the gosh darn results! It took like four hours today but it is DONE. Oh geez I am sorry for the long wait though. I'm going to try and update every saturday from now on (we'll see hwo this works out lol).




Zack's face brightened when he caught sight of you walking in. He stood up from the bed he was sitting on and quickly wrapped his arms around you, burying his head in your freshly washed hair. You silently thanked Yuffie for taking you to the shower.

"I'm so glad you're safe." Zack murmured kissing the top of your head.

"I missed you Zack." You pulled back so you could look at his face. You set your hand on his face and let your fingers brush against his cheek. Zack pulled you to the bed and sat down, pulling you onto his lap.

"So you were the one that wanted to talk to my parents?" You asked.

Zack chuckled nervously, "Yeah that was terrifying."

"They like you." You leaned against his chest.

"Really? I mean your mom seemed to like me, but your dad looked like he wanted to throttle me." Zack replied as he ran his hand through your hair.

"He likes you. He just refuses to let this be easy." You rolled your eyes even though you knew he wouldn't see the gesture.

Zack chuckled and wrapped a hand around your wrist. He brought it to his lips and kissed your hand. You sat up and a frown spread across your features. Zack noticed this and moved his hand to your cheek.

"Hey what's wrong?"

You lifted your hand and held your wrist with your other hand, "I lost it Zack. I lost the bracelet. I swear I'm hopeless, I don't know why you even get me nice stuff..."

Zack began to laugh and you glanced up at him questioningly. He leaned his head against yours.

"Do you honestly think I care about that bracelet?" He smiled, "I have you, safe and sound, in my arms right now. For all I care Sephiroth could be wearing it."

You giggled at the thought, "I still feel bad about losing everything you give me."

"Oh you don't lose everything I give you." Zack smirked.

"What haven't I lost yet? I lost the first necklace you gave me, I destroyed the second-"

"You haven't lost my heart." Zack said genuinely, "And I gave that to you in the summer."

Your heart fluttered a bit as a smile lit your features. Zack closed the space between the two of you and pressed his lips against yours. For that single moment you forgot about everything else. You didn't worry about Sephiroth, the future, or anything. It was just you and Zack. As you pulled yourself closer to him, burying your hands in his hair, a loud but fake cough could be heard at the doorway.

Zack pulled away from you and slid you into the spot beside him rather than his lap. Your face turned bright red as you saw your father walk in.

"Oh sorry, am I interrupting anything?" He asked a bit too cheerfully as he went to grab a bag sitting in the corner of the room with other supplies.

You covered your face with your hand to hide your embarrassment. Zack chuckled at your response.

"They need both of you in the main room. Meeting of some sort." Your dad said before heading out.

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