Spring Days *27*

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You weren't entirely sure how much time had passed since your meeting with Amber. After seeing that look of acceptance in [BOC]'s eyes you took off down the hallway toward your old house. It was easy to find your way since it was connected to the main hallway. Then you took a seat against your living room wall and just sat.

In one hand you had [BOC]'s ring clenched between your fingers and in the other you held Melody's little bracelet. After all, that was the choice right? Find a way to save [BOC] and lose the kids to Sephiroth or save the kids and the world but lose him forever. According to Amber the answer was obvious. You assumed any outsider looking in would make the same choice as well. A sigh slipped your lips as you closed your eyes and leaned your head against the wall. You knew what the right thing to do was, but you couldn't just agree to let [BOC] and another one of your friends die. That's what you were angry about with Amber after all. It wasn't so much that she seemed like a bad person, sitting here alone with your thoughts gave you a slight respect for what she was doing against Sephiroth. You just couldn't wrap your head around this being the end. You refused to believe that he had to be the one to die. If someone had to die though you couldn't pick someone to take his place. Could you take his place though?

Your head was swirling with thoughts along those lines. It was a messy situation no matter how you looked at it. The sound of a forced cough startled you. Your eyes shot open to see Ryan standing in front of you.

"I didn't even hear you come in." You muttered and stood up. You wrapped the chain with the ring around your neck and set the bracelet around your empty gun holster like it was before.

"You have a lot on your mind." He replied simply, "Speaking off, are you alright?"

You paused, "I think so. Thanks."

Ryan glanced around before motioning you to follow him. You hesitated a moment as he opened the front door. As he stepped out though you quickly caught up to him.

Your eyes glanced around your front lawn. The grass was dead along with any other plant that was once green. The sky was a murky gray color as if it was sick. It seemed like Sephiroth had poisoned your entire planet.

"We're tough." Ryan spoke up recapturing your attention. You glanced over at him. He was facing forward, you couldn't tell what he was looking at though because of the dark lens on his glasses. "Us Earth folk."

"You're from Earth?"

"All us rebels are. Well not all of the rebels but the ones you've met are. Like Jessica, Sam, Wes, and I. Even the King's security group was from Earth. The only one who isn't is Ben. We were taken to a different world really young, but Earth is our true home."

"I didn't realize that." You tore your gaze away from him to look back at your hurting world.

"Other worlds started finding out about Earth around the time you were kidnapped by Rufus, the beginning of fall." Ryan let out a soft sigh, "Nobody made contact though because they viewed us as weak. They saw how we lived, how we never had to deal with heartless or people with powers, and called us weak. They saw that are technology wasn't as advanced and called us stupid. They even said as a world, Earth was pathetic and sure to fail."

"Well that's rude." You mumbled under your breath. Ryan smiled to himself at your comment.

"They're wrong though." He said smoothly, "People from Earth are strong. They're stubborn, determined, and brave which is more than what I can say for some people I know from other worlds. You're stronger than you know."

You whipped your head to look at him, "Apparently you haven't seen my win to lose ratio. Sephiroth has come out on top every single time."

Ryan nodded, "You're still here though aren't you?"

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