Spring Days *12*

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You set your bag down in one of the small bedrooms. The room had two bunk beds so it'd fit four people in total. You recognized Tifa, Yuffie, and Xion's stuff already there. You turned and left the room to rejoin everyone else. Everyone was on Cid's ship and were now just waiting for Big C.

"We understand." Auron said.

"Understand what?" You asked as you stood between Zack and Reno. Everyone was standing right outside of the ship. Olette, Hayner, Pence, Alice, Gabe, and Namine stood across from everyone else.

"They're staying in Hollow Bastion." Zack answered.

"Namine can't go for an obvious reason and if I left there'd be no one here to protect this place." Gabe shrugged.

"Hey like Auron said, we understand. None of you should feel bad about it." Yuna added. Big C could be seen in the distance walking briskly towards the ship.

"That's our cue. He'll want to brief you guys. Be careful alright." Gabe said his goodbye.

"Stay safe." Namine added.

Everyone started their goodbyes. You hugged each of them. Namine held you a bit longer, and Gabe ruffled your hair while smiling sadly. You glanced over and noticed Sora hugging Alice tightly. They began to leave so everyone boarded the ship and waited for Big C.

You glanced around at the group. Yuna, KK, Paine, Tifa, Xion and Yuffie were sitting in some nearby seats quietly talking. Auron, Leon, and Cid were checking over the weapons maki g sure they were all on board. Riku, Roxas, Sora, and Vanitas sat near the door. Vanitas was quietly playing with the chain around his neck, the one with his shrunken keyblade. Cloud, Reno, Zack, Angeal, Zexion, and Demyx were standing in a group in the middle of the room talking. Ven, Axel, and Terra were laughing about something.

A small smile lit your face. If anyone could stop Sephiroth it was this group here. Big C stepped into the room and everyone got quiet. He glanced around the room checking who was here and who wasn't. He nodded and dropped his two duffel bags on the floor.

"This is your last chance to get off this ship. Once we lift off there is no turning back."

His words seemed to echo through the cabin, but no one moved a single muscle. He nodded his head and pressed a button on the side to close the door.

"I could say something now. A speech of some sort, on how important these next few days are. On how dangerous it's gonna be..." Big C paused, "With this group though, I don't think I have to. You guys know. You guys know first hand about this guy and what he can do, and that makes me respect you more. You don't have to be here but you are. The worlds are already in debt to you."

Big C stepped forward and looked at Cid, "Get us up in the air and set course to the world Atlantica. Sam says that's where one of them was last spotted, and he wants us to check it out."

"Alright. Arrival time will be around 5 hours or so." Cid headed towards the cockpit and took Leon with him.

"Zack, Cloud, and Auron follow me to the cockpit. Everybody else can just get comfortable." Big C announced.

Cloud and Auron followed him immediately but Zack seemed hesitant. You nudged him and he shrugged.

"Wish me luck." He said before chasing after the group.

You sat down beside Riku and Roxas and joined into the conversation.

[Default ends here]

[ZOOM RESULT- In The Cockpit]

"Set that course to grid D38 Squallhart." Cid ordered.

"I know."

"And make sure you our speed past default before hitting hyper speed."

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