Spring Days *6*

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You guys will probably start recognizing the ideas you sent me in the next few chapters (: Anyways hope you guys like this one...hope i get a lot of votes...and comments...gosh im tired lol.

Thanks for everything guys! I really do hope you like this one!



"School is starting soon [Name]." Roxas's voice drifted through the door. His voice was crystal clear to you because you had woken up nearly an hour ago but chose to stay in bed. All the thoughts of yesterday flooded through your mind. The day before yesterday you were scared of graduating; now you were scared that you wouldn't be allowed. "[Name]?"

The door opened a crack and you sat straight up. Your quick movements startled Roxas who thought you were asleep.

"Oh [Name]", He nodded, "Morning. We're gonna be leaving soon. Yuffie and Xion brought you some clothes. I think they said Namine threw in some dresses too."

Roxas held up his hand to show that he was holding a medium sized duffel bag. He set it down by the end of your bed. "You ok?"

You took in the sight of him. His lips were drawn into a thin worried line. He was wearing a short sleeved dark blue button up with a white T-shirt underneath it along with a pair of regular jeans. You forced a big smile on your lips.

"I'm fine. Thanks Roxas."

Roxas returned the smile before leaving the room. The moment the door shut behind him your smile fell off your face. The last thing you felt like doing was smiling, but you couldn't let your friends worry. So you got up, went through your morning routines, got dressed then headed for the kitchen.

Cloud was reading the newspaper as he sat at the counter. Ven and Roxas were talking and waiting by the door for you. Ven wore a plain t-shirt and khaki shorts.

"You ready [Name]?" Ven asked. You grabbed an apple off the counter and followed them out. The three of you said your goodbyes to Cloud before heading to school.

The day went by in a blur for you. The periods melded into one another to the point where you couldn't tell them apart. Now you sat on the bleachers of your last period.


Your head snapped up and with an almost automatic response a small smile forced it's way onto your face, "Yes Cid?"

Cid stared at you skeptically. His eyes were drawn with curiosity and worry. "You seem out of it darlin'."

"Me? No I'm fine. I'm just...tired is all."

Cid nodded slowly, "Have a rough night?"

"Well-" A shrill scream cut off your sentence. Cid and you both rushed towards the end of the gym where Tifa was practicing with the volleyball team. Zack who was passing through the gym to grab something for the football team outside ran over as well.

One of the volleyball girls was lying on the floor clutching her arm. Tifa hovered over her protectingly. She asked the girl over and over where the pain was but the girl could only say her arm.

"Go get Aerith." Cid told Zack. Zack began to run off when Tifa stopped him.

"I already sent Autumn."

A few seconds later one of the shorter volleyball players ran in with Aerith following behind her.

"What happened?" She began to check the girl.

"She dove for the ball and collided with Chelsea. Her arm got caught underneath her. I think it's broken Aerith." Tifa explained.

"What's her name?"

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