Spring Days *2*

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Finally here's chapter two! I took my ACT this morning and I think I did pretty good. I literally prayed before and after each section of the test. You can do anything with God ;)

Anyways sorry if this chapter is kinda...bleeeeh. It's gonna get much much much much MUCH better. Promise guys! :D

Dedicated to FluffyStormCloud for all the wonderful feedback! (:


"Cid's thinking of putting Clay as pitcher." Ven sat across from Axel talking about the baseball team. That's all they've been doing for the past ten minutes. You sat at the same table listening nonchalantly. Yuffie was outside keeping watch with Olette.
Axel scoffed and readjusted the water gun in his lap, "You've got to be kidding me. Clay? Since when was he a pitcher? Besides you need that punk in the outfield, he's a fast little son of a-"
Cid walked into the main garage from his office to grab something. Axel jumped up and called out to him, "Old man!"
Cid sighed irritably, "What do you want idiot?"
"Why in the world are you putting Clay as a pitcher?!"
Cid mumbled something under his breath before he began to explain the situation to Axel. Ven nudged your leg with his foot.
You chuckled, "Yeah a bit. When does the action start?"
"It will."
It was about a minute later when Olette ran in, "Hurry! Sora, Vanitas, and Roxas are outside! Yuffie's holding them off!"
Ven jumped up and ran out with his water gun. You ran forward but Axel held out his arm and stopped you. Cid chuckled and walked back into his office.
"It could be a trap. They wouldn't send those three to get you. They know Vanitas is only playing to mess with Ven." Axel pulled you behind him and glanced around. He began to pump up his water gun slowly. You held your smaller water gun at your side at ready.
Suddenly, Reno yelled from the top of the stairs and jumped over the railing to land on the couch. He began to shoot water over you and Axel. Axel turned and fired his gun at Reno. The water shot Reno in the face sending him flying over the back of the couch.
"That looked like it hurt." You noted.
Axel laughed, "I hope it did."
The back door flew open and Angeal stepped in with his water gun and a smirk on his face. Cloud and Gabe stood at the top of the stairs where Reno once was. Axel frowned and handed you his much larger water gun.
"Shoot them. I'll cover you."
You wondered about his choice, but just nodded.
Cloud and Gabe walked down the stairs toward you and Axel while Angeal went over and helped Reno up. Reno's necklace was dark purple. Without much thought you fired at Reno again turning his necklace red. Axel laughed and even Angeal chuckled at Reno's reaction. Reno fell to the ground over dramatically and just laid there humming a soft song.
"Nice shot [Name]. Didn't think you had aim." Gabe mocked you. You fired at him but he ducked out of the way. "Hmm I guess you don't after all."
You turned and began to shoot Angeal. He dove behind the couch but not before his necklace and one of his wrist bracelets turned pink. Cloud and Gabe opened fire on you and Axel, mainly Axel though.
You closed your eyes expecting a wave of water to crash into you. All that you felt was a light mist though. You opened your eyes to see Axel throwing fire into the water. You laughed as Reno looked up and groaned.
"Aww what a cheater yo." He complained.
You shot him again in the face. He wiped it and began to complain that he was already 'dead'. You stuck your tongue out at him.
"Run [Name]! Take the gun with you!" Axel barked at you. You nodded and ran out of the garage through the back. The entire time Axel blocked all the water. As you stepped into Cid's backyard you were still completely dry. You began to run around the building.
"Give it up [Name]!" Cloud's voice yelled as he began to chase you. You laughed and spotted the key to your safety lying in a corner outside of Cid's house. You dove for it and turned around to face Cloud. Cloud stumbled to a stop.
"Wait [Name]-" Cloud tried to turn and run, but you turned the nozzle and began to soak Cloud in water. Almost instantly his necklace and wrist bands turned red and his wet hair hung over his eyes. "Freaking..."
Cloud sat down where he was and glared at you, "I'm gonna get you for that you know?"
You laughed, but the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted you. You spun around and pointed the hose at the person who turned the corner. Terra held his hands up in mock surrender. His hair was damp along with his shorts, but his necklace and wrists were only pink.
"It's just me", He said then glanced over at Cloud, "Nice job."
"Shut it Fair." Cloud mumbled.
Terra grabbed your elbow and began to lead you away, "We almost got to Xion but we can't get past Demyx. He soaks us whenever we get close. Leon's still working on it though."
The two of you snuck by the front of the garage and began to walk down the street. You had left your water gun by Cloud, but Terra had his at ready.
"Where was their base?"
"They decided to use Auron's dojo."
The two of you made it halfway down the street when you saw a mass of figures racing down the street towards you.
"Is that...?" Terra squinted in the sun and tried to make out who is was. Leon, Zack, and Riku were running down the street with Demyx, Tifa, Roxas, and Namine chasing them. Xion was slung over Leon's shoulder as a giant wave loomed closer and closer to them.
Before you could turn and run with Terra, a bucket of ice water was dumped over his head splashing you as well.
"Gotcha." Angeal laughed. He threw the bucket aside and lifted you off the ground. In one swift movement you were thrown over his shoulder.
"Let me go!" You yelled as you tried to squirm away. He turned down the street and ran the longer way towards Auron's dojo. After a few minutes of bouncing on his shoulder as he ran you noticed a figure catching up to the two of you.
"So how did you get away from Axel?" You asked loudly, hoping Angeal wouldn't hear Zack's fast approaching footsteps.
"He ran off. No shocker there though." Angeal replied through his even breathing.
Zack pumped up his gun and fired at Angeal. Angeal jumped in shock, nearly dropping you. He spun around as Zack continued to fire. Angeal held you in front of him as a shield. Your shirt quickly became wet and Zack stopped when he realized he was no longer hitting Angeal.
"That's cheap Angeal." Zack scoffed as he continued to try and aim his gun around you to no avail. Angeal chuckled and began to slowly back up. You squirmed in his arms when you realized it was easier now that his hands and yours arms were wet. Zack seemed to notice what you realized because he started to shoot at Angeal's hands. By time Angeal realized what the two of you were planning, it was to late. You slipped out of his arms and ran towards Zack. A small wave of water crashed over Angeal's head soaking him. His bands turned red, and he sat down with a defeated sigh. Zexion stepped out from around the corner holding a now empty bucket.
"I believe we've already won anyways." Zexion announced.
Zack and you cheered as Angeal groaned and stood up. The four of you headed back to Cid's garage where you could see your team celebrating.
"You guys got lucky." Gabe scoffed.
"Loser!" Ven yelled at the tall TITAN. Gabe gave Ven a halfhearted glare.
"Play again?" Tifa asked with a smile. Everyone agreed. The teams were mixed up and another game was played. It went on like that well into the evening. There was a short lunch break where Auron and Cid grabbed some sandwiches and everyone ate outside the garage, but immediately after the game resumed. You ended up being the flag most of the time. The very last game you played though Sora was the flag rather than you. By the end of that game you were soaked to the bone.
The sun was sinking in the sky and everyone sat outside Cid's garage just talking.
"Man I don't wanna go to school tomorrow!" Sora groaned, "I wish spring break would never end!"
"Quit being a baby." Riku scoffed at his friend.
"It's just gonna suck getting up early tomorrow." Terra added. You stood up and brushed the gravel off your shorts.
"I probably should get home. I’m exhausted." You laughed. The group began to rise around you and goodbyes were shared.
"We'll walk you home [Name]." Reno grinned as he walked up with his brother beside him.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course", Axel shrugged, "We're neighbors."
You turned around and spotted Sora and Leon, "Hey do you guys wanna walk with us too?"
You asked because you knew the two of them lived right down the road from you and the Sinclair brothers.
"We'll catch up later." Leon said before turning back to his conversation with Cloud and Auron.
"Bye!" Sora waved as the three of you began to walk home.

"So school has got to be boring without us." Reno crossed his arms as the three of you turned onto your street.
"It's definitely quieter." You chuckled.
"That, my dear [Name], is more likely from Yuffie's absence. Not ours." Axel winked.
The three of you laughed at Yuffie's expense. Reno stopped laughing abruptly, as did Axel. They froze in their tracks and you gazed curiously at them. You followed their line if sight and caught noticed your house. The door was blown off completely and laid broken in the front yard. All the windows on the front side of your house were broken leaving shards of glass everywhere in your lawn.
"What the-" Reno began. You ran forward towards your house, but a pair of arms grabbed your around the waist and pulled you back.
"Hold on." Axel's said with a serious mask on, "Whoever did this could still be in there."
Reno ran ahead of the two of you and cautiously poked his head in. After a moment he waved you and Axel forward. Axel led you into your trashed house.
"I'm going to call Auron." Reno went into your kitchen to use the house phone. You gazed in shock at your once neat home. All your furniture was ripped and thrown aside. The few pictures you put up of you and your friends were ripped. Glass lay everywhere on the floor. It literally looked like a tornado ripped through your house and touched everything.
"W-what?" You gasped as you spun around taking everything in.
"[Name] stay close just in cas-"
You tore yourself from Axel's grasp in the middle of his sentence and raced down the hallway to your room. The door to your room was hanging off the hinges. Inside everything was destroyed. Your mattress was pulled off the bed frame and your sheets were shredded. Your jaw fell open when you noticed that your clothes were not only thrown around the room, but they were ripped and torn as well. Someone walked up behind you, but you kept your gaze on your room.
"[Name]." Sora's voice cooed, "I'm so sorry."
You turned around to see Sora standing behind you with a crestfallen look on his face. He opened his arms and you fell in. "What are you doing here?"
"Leon and me were walking by and noticed the damage. Leon's in your living room talking to Reno, Auron, and Axel."
You stayed in Sora's arms for a long time with your face buried in his chest. Who could've done this?
"We need to get some of your stuff packed up." Sora said breaking the silence. You pulled back and looked up at him curiously. "You can't stay here right now."
You nodded and stepped further into your room. Sora found a suitcase in your closet that wasn't destroyed. He pulled it out and opened so you could fill it with clothes. You walked around the room picking up the articles of clothing that weren't beyond repair and tossing them into your suitcase. That's when you noticed a piece of paper sitting on your bedside. Not recognizing it, you picked it up and unfolded it. Sora came up and stood behind you as you read.

'This is just the beginning.'

Your heart began to pound and your hands began to tremble. The letter fell from your hands, but Sora caught it before it hit the floor. What was going on? Wasn't this all over? Xemnas and the King were dead, Sephiroth was in jail, and now so was Rufus.
"Keep packing [Name]." Sora walked out of your room with the letter clutched tightly in his hand. Seeing that letter had reminded you of another. You crossed the room and dug through a small box of objects. Your hand grasped the letter from Axel and Reno's mom. Thank goodness that wasn't destroyed. You stuffed it into your pocket and continued to search for unharmed clothing articles.

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