Spring Days *5*

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Ok so this type of chapter is going to show up a lot more often. Many people asked me how I was going to write this where you can still pick your BOC b/c of the ending Winter Days had. Well I have come up with a pretty brillant idea.

When it says [END OF DEFAULT CHAPTER] You stop reading and pick from two different paths. In this chapter you'll either choose to read the one that says [READ IF CLOUD IS NOT YOUR BOC] or [READ IF CLOUD IS YOUR BOC]. This is my way of having all the guys come to terms with not ending up with you :) Then when it says [DEFAULT CHAPTER STARTS HERE] you pick up and start reading it all again.

Tell me what you think!

Also this chapter is dedicated to AlexandriaMaxwell86 for writing the other POV line to these stories. You gotta check them out!



"Hello Miss [Surname]."
The principal was waiting for you outside of the main office. His hands were folded behind him professionally, and his formal suit made your borrowed shirt feel out of place.
"Oh um hi Mr. Bradshaw." You greeted. Mr. Bradshaw was the man who replaced Sephiroth as principal. He was a nice man in his mid-30s and he was good at his job. His thick blonde hair was slicked back.
"Follow me. Sorry for pulling you out of class, but this was rather important." Mr. Bradshaw opened the office door for you and led you to his own office in the back.
You took a seat in the plush chair that sat across from his desk. Mr. Bradshaw took his seat and coughed awkwardly. "I'm afraid I have some bad news."
You fingers nervously toyed with a loose string on the chair's seat. He paused for a moment, as if searching for the right words, before speaking again.
"You have been absent a majority of the year Miss [Surname]." He opened a file in his desk and began to read from it, "You weren't here for most of the first few months of school, and you didn't return from Christmas break until well into February."
"Well I- That wasn't by choice. Both times I had been kidnapped." You argued. After the words passed your lips you had to fight back the urge to laugh. Most people are traumatized after being kidnapped once. For you it was becoming a habit.
"I understand that Miss [Surname]. Unfortunately, to graduate from this school you have to have attended a certain amount of days."
The words fluttered by your ears, but you couldn't fully grasp it yet.
"Now if you complete summer school and then continue on into the next school year you could graduate around Christmas time of this year."
It finally hit you. He was saying you couldn't graduate with your friends. That you'd have to not only do summer school, but also come back during the next school year as well.
"What?" You gasped after a painful moment of awkward silence.
"I'm so very sorry. You seem like a good student. I wish there was more I could do."
You stood and turned to run out of his office. He called your name but you didn't stop walking. As you left the office the bell rang loudly. You welcomed the noise because it meant you didn't have to go back to class. Instead you walked right out of the school and down the road.
You've had tons of nightmares about graduation lately. Many if then left you in a cold sweat, but that didn't mean you didn't want to graduate. All your friends would be out of school while you would have to repeat senior year, and it was all because of attendance. Your mind couldn't even wrap around the ridiculousness of the situation.
You had walked aimlessly and now found yourself at the edge of town. In the far distance you could see Xemnas' mansion. You didn't plan to walk any closer than you were to it now so you plopped down to the ground and sat.


"[Name]. There you are." Cloud's voice called out. His footsteps neared until they stopped right behind you. You didn't turn around. "What are you doing out here? Do you know how worried sick we've been?"
You mumbled, "Sorry."
Cloud sighed and sat down right beside you. He stared at you until you finally turned to look at him. The two of you stared at each other until Cloud made a funny face and you lightly smiled.
"There we go." He said with a nod.
"How did you find me anyways?"
Cloud sighed and leaned back on his arms, "Well...I just had this hunch. It hasn't been super long but I know you pretty well [Name]. Probably a little more than [BOC]."
You blushed and thought of arguing but he quickly continued to talk.
"In a different way though. I know you how...well...how a brother would know a little sister. I'm starting to wrap my head around the fact that I'll probably only ever be that for you. An older brother, I mean."
You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around him. Your head was leaning on his chest. "Cloud I do love you. Just not like...not like that. I-...If I lost you as my 'older brother' I don't know what I'd do."
Cloud chuckled and hugged you back, "I'm starting to get that now."
You remained there hugging Cloud for a moment until he pulled away and stood up. Cloud helped you to your feet. "I'll always be there for you [Name]. You can count on that."
You smiled, "Thanks."
"Now seriously we gotta get back. I swear I thought [BOC] was gonna have a freaking heart attack." Cloud rolled his eyes.
A frown returned to your face, "Cloud, Mr. Bradshaw said that I-"
"We know. Come on, there are some things we need to explain." Cloud sighed and led you back into town.

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