10: more

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"So.." I said as I paced the floor of Nialls apartment. "Harry knows? How did he find out?"

"He saw us kiss earlier," Niall sighed, leaning against his kitchen counter. "And he said if I don't break up with you, he would tell." My heart stopped. My eyes darted towards Niall to see he was just as broken.

"But..." I dragged on so he could continue.

"I don't know Ryan," he sighed as I stopped walking. "I really like you. But I don't want to go to jail. I don't want your parents hating me. I don't want Jalen anywhere near you. Someone has to protect you and that someone is me. I want to protect you." Niall walked slowly over towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"What are we going to do about Harry?" I asked as Niall gently kissing my bare shoulder from my fallen cardigan.

"I don't like my idea," he said as he turned me towards him. "And I might regret it. But you're going to have to fake date someone. And that someone is going to have to be a friend of mine. He's 18. He's a cool guy. And.."

"What's his name?" I asked as I stopped him from speaking. He chuckled as he was about to continue. We were cut off by someone knocking on the door.

"And I think that's him." Niall let go walking over towards the door. In walked a boy that was a little taller than I was. He had brown messy hair with beautiful blue eyes. He wore capris and a sweater. He had hipster written all over him. "Ryan this is my cousin Louis. Louis this is my girlfriend Ryan."

"Way to go cuz!" Louis laughed. "Nice to finally meet you Ryan." He kissed top of my hand flashing me a smile. "We are going to be close friends for a while."

"Looks like it," I replied with a smile.

"Look babe," Niall said looking at his watch. "I have to pick up a suit for tonight's dinner. But I need Harry to know that you and Louis are together. Why? Because Harry's mom works at the university. And she will be at your house tonight with Harry."

"Harry never told me that," I whispered.

"Louis, take her to the arcade or something," Niall said slipping on his shoes. "But please. No kissing."

"No promises," I heard Louis whisper under his breath. I just laughed as Niall kissed my lips roughly.

"See you tonight babe." We followed him outside the door as he parted from us.

"Well 'girlfriend' shall we?" Louis asked, putting his hand out. I smiled, intertwining our fingers.

"Let's go boyfriend," I laughed. We walked down the street, into the local arcade. It was calle THE ZONE and it's where most of the teens would go to hang out. "Hey guys." I walked towards my friends. Regean looked a little confused as did Emily. Spencer looked like she was about to spit out her water as Harley was fist pumping. "This is my boyfriend Louis." 

"Hi Louis," Spencer smiled. Harry looked at me with total confusion. "Nice to finally meet the mystery man she talks about." I had a feeling Spencer was in on this. 

"Nice to meet you guys too," Louis said, snaking his arms around my waist. 

"Why don't you two take a seat?" Spencer said scooting over so we could sit. Harry didn't look to happy. "So what do you do Louis?"

"I'm on what you guys call the soccer team. For the state," he replied with a smile. 

"Wow," Harley said, wide eyed. She was a sucker for boys who played sports. 

"So that's where you're from!" Emily snaped. "You're center forward for state! I'm a huge fan! How did you and Ryan meet?" I gave Louis' hand a squeeze of nervousness. 

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