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"WHAT THE FUCK!" Matt yelled in panic.

"We gon die y'all" Nash sniffled.

"Noooo I wanna live" Carter said getting in his knees and looking at the ceiling.

"Y'all shut the fuck up" I said and walked to the buttons on the elevator.

"What the hell they don't have a fucking 'help' button on this shit" I said just as the red lights stopped blinking.

"What kinda of hotel is this?" Johnson said.

"A shitty one, this is why I can't wait to move" I groaned sliding down the wall.

"Move? Where?" Gilinsky asked.

"To a house, I'm just in the hotel temporarily until my house is ready" I said running my hands through my hair.

"How long do you have till you leave?" Sammy asked.

"About 2 week and a couple more days" I said leaning my head back against the wall hopeless.

"Do you guys have service?" I asked.

"No" 'nope' "none at all"

"Hold me" I said sliding next to Hayes and laying on his shoulder.

He is like a little marshmallow he's so adorable. He's like a little child to me.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and I slid down a bit to get comfortable around him.

"What are we going to do now?" Shawn asked.

It was slilent for a while until Taylor burst out with excitement.

"Let's sing campfire song!" He said smiling like a idiot.

"No" Dillon said plainly.

"Let's gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song" I said happily.

"Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song" Kenny added on.

"And if you don't think that we could sing it faster then your wrong but it would help if you just along" Nash added.

"Bom Bom Bom" Shawn sang along.

"Oh God" Dillon said bringing his head to his ears.

We all took in a deep breath.

"C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song and if you dont think that we could sing it faster than your wrong but it would help of you just sang along" We all sung and laughed for about 4 minutes.

"If I was a pineapple would you still love me" I said randomly.

"Yeah, I would eat you, but yeah I don't see why not" Taylor said.

"Well that good to kno-AHH" I cut myself off by seeing a spider on my leg.

I jumped up and started to shake and scream.

I ran over to the other side oh the elevator where Cam and Dillon and Nate where.

"Holy fuck" I said trying to catch my breath while Gilinsky and Aaron where trying to kill it.

"You okay?" Nate asked trying to get me to calm down.

I didn't answer my eyes where still on the spider that keep running from Gilinsky.

He came towards our side and I immediately jumped on The closest thing next to me which was Dillon.

"Shit girl calm yo self" He said lifting me up so I won't fall.

I whimpered and held him tightly tensing my muscles.

"Baby girl chill you suffocating me." He said sounding like he's losing air.

"Sorry" I said looking up at him.

They boys killed the spider and put it in a corner.

I laid in the middle of the floor.

"You guys" I whined catching there attention.

"I need a girlfriend" I complained.

"Me too" Taylor agreed.

"I just need some pussy" Nate said bluntly.

"NATE!" I said and pointed to Hayes.

"What Hayes knows what pussy is" He said.

I turned my attention to Hayes.

"What I do, I'm not a virgin" He shrugged.

"Oh the innocence" I said dramatically.

"Are you a virgin?" Gilinsky asked.

"Well, where you a virgin like before you got into girls?" He asked.

"No actually" I said.

"Oh really so you just didn't like dick after you lost it?" He asked.

"Yeah basically" I said sitting up.

"I'm so bored, I want some food" I whined.

"Me too" Hayes whined with me while his stomach growled.

"What time is it?" I asked holding my stomach.

"5:27" Johnson answered.

"Uggghh, where going to die in here" Aaron exclaimed.

"Shut up where not gonna die Aaron, where going to be just-" said cutting myself off by yawning.

"Fine" I said with droopy eyes.

"Avery go to sleep" Sammy said.

"No I'm fine see" another yawn "I'm not even sleepy" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Come here" Gilinsky said and held is arm out for me to come into.

I scooted on into his arms and fell asleep.

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