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Unedited but oh well...Thanks for reading ;DD 

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The scene in front of me startles me in more ways then one. For starters it startles me that my younger sister seems for have more action in her life then I do and I am a senior in High School. Her fun filled expression never falters as she awaits my response.

She can't possibly think that I am going to agree to join in on their water balloon fight? I mean it's tempting, the scorching sun shines down on all of us, the boys naked torsos sparkle from the water droplets and the sun rays hitting them.

Lucky's pale skin is bright under the natural light and contrast to Landon's darker olive skin tone.

My eyes flick to each of their faces while my mind races for possible excuses.

"I don't think so." I say.

"Whyyyyy???" Ray whines and slouches her shoulders.

"I am not in the mood to get wet." I regret my innocent response when I hear Landon stifle a laugh and Lucky biting back a smile, their immaturity doesn't surprise me and I go to turn back around to go on my run.

"Wait!" I hear Lucky call but I don't turn around. A shock runs through my body when the freezing water hits me in the back of my neck and a water balloon explodes against me.

I freeze in my place with my eyes shut tightly and anger runs through my veins.

"Are you kidding me?" I turn to face the clowns slowly. Ray is laughing to the point of tears and Landon points a finger at Lucky.

Lucky's pink lips form an evil looking smirk on his face. Before my own brain processes what I am doing the hose on the side of the house is in my hands and I point the sprayer in their direction.

"RUN!" Ray screams but it is much too late, I pull the handle back and the water sprays at full force covering Lucky and definitely hitting Landon as well. I laugh in amusement at the scattering bodies running away from the stream of water.

"Stop! Stop! I'm sorry!" Lucky yells and tries to reflect the water by shielding his face with his arms.

I drop the hose when I feel another water balloon burst on my shoulder and my eyes dart to the squealing Ray who has another balloon loaded in her hands.

Landon is running over to the bucket full of water balloons and I run after him quickly, he grabs a big one and I reach the bucket, the last balloon is floating in the water and I grab it watching the enemies around me. Ray, Landon, and I each have one balloon while Lucky stands empty handed with a nervous expression.

"Get him!" Ray yells her battle orders and she chucks a balloon flying in Lucky's direction, Landon catches me by surprise, defying the plan, and beams his straight at my chest, the wind almost knocked out of me as it strikes my heart.

"Holy....CRAP!" I yell and use all my strength to throw my balloon at Landon. I hear the snap of the rubber as it breaks on the side of Landon's head and drenches him in water.

Ray and Lucky laugh at Landon and I find my self smiling breathing heavily from the rush of adrenaline.

"Damn, you got a good arm Jacks." Landon admits rubbing the side of his head, I shrug and shift in my wet shirt that is heavy on my shoulders.

"Let dry off." Lucky suggests and we walk over to his back porch, waiting fro him to return with some towels. I wrap the towel around my and my shoulders but it isn't going to dry off my clothes, especially not my cotton tee-shirt.

Hesitantly I pull the soaked fabric over my head leaving me in my slightly less wet sports bra. I am comfortable being in only a sports bra, because it covers a lot of skin and I run in them all the time, but undressing in front of everyone is always awkward.

The towel is back on my shoulders and we all are sitting on the back porch using the sun to dry up most of the water on us.

"So, that was fun..." Landon starts.

"That was the best water balloon fight I have ever had." Ray says still catching her breath, she has always been the dramatic type.

The dark gray car pulls into my drive way and I see Grayson step out, he is probably going to flip when he realizes that both Ray and I aren't inside.

"Ray, we gotta go home." I say standing up slowly.

"Ugh, seriously?" Okay, where is this attitude coming from?

"Yes...." I say blankly.

She mumbles to herself and stands up as well. I watch her bend down and kiss both Landon and Lucky gently on the cheek and I roll my eyes.

"Come on." I rush her and lock eyes with Lucky who us staring back at me and I hand him my towel and grab my tee-shirt.

"Bye." I say and the boys bid me good bye as we walk over back to our house.

"Where were you guys?" Grayson says slightly annoyed and takes in our wet hair and grassy feet.

"The neighbor's, we have a water fight!" Ray informs him and he puts the phone down.

"Thank good I thought something bad happened."

I go to bedroom and pull out my phone from it's charger. Surprisenly enough I have two messages from some people I know from school.

Taylor: Hi Jackss!! It's been forever, I don't have any classes with you this year :( Miss you.I was just asking if you wanted to carpool to Zoe's birthday tonight?

Shoot, that is tonight, she sent out the invites months ago and I told her I would come, she is a pretty good friend of mine I would say we are close but she and I have had a good laugh or two.

I tell Taylor that sounds fine and take a much need shower before tonight.


Super short chapter, and unedited as usual, I just want to update tonight after all my homework.

Vote if you started school today too X0 and if you didn't vote and comment anyway!!! Good night people thanks for ready, see you some time later this week ;)))

xx. Scar 

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