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WARNING: Yet again continued from last chapter, drugs and alcohol will be involved in this chapter please do not read if you are sensitive to those topics :)))

Just when I thought I was going to be able to handle this situation my stomach began to feel knotted with nervousness. I can't help but notice how out of place and scarred Lucky looks as well, even though I am sure these guys have respect for him he looks intimidated and like he knows he shouldn't be doing this. Landon on the other hand is in constant conversation with one of the boys and a blunt has all ready been lit.

I cross my arms in front of me and ignore my sweaty palms. When the stick was passed around the circle Lucky takes it in his fingers and his lips twitch. I cringe in discomfort just from watching him as he brings it to his mouth and he takes a puff, coughing a little when he breathes out. Then he quickly passes it to Murray who takes a long drag and closes is eyes as he relaxes under the affect of the smoke.

"Here." He holds the blunt in front of me with his fingers.

I clear my throat hoping that my voice won't crack. "I don't smoke."

"K, then pass it to Steven." I turn my head over to Steven who already looks higher than Wiz Khalifa but I don't even want to touch the substance in front of me.

"Umm....Steven come get it." He looks up at me from his slouched position and I feel the familiar unsettling feeling in my throat when everyone looks at me.

"Jus' pass it." Marry says holding the smoking blunt closer to my face. I pull my head back further and lean away from Murray.

"Girl, gimme the blunt," Steven says sitting up now.

Why is this happening? Why can't I just do it, its not like I am going to smoke it by touching it.

"Take the fucking thing." Murray sounds angrier now and the other boys join in tell me to take it. i stand up to create more distance between me and everyone. I could puke right now that how sick I feel. My head pounds and only for a moment do I see Lucky looking back at me. He looks so young and out of place here.

With panic surely written in my eyes I send Landon a look.

"This is bullshit." Steven complains and leans forward to take the blunt from Murray himself.

I don't excuse my self just walk out of the house and wait outside leaning on the side of Lucky's car. That was nightmare.

With in seconds Lucky emerges from the house and walks over to me.

"What the hell was that?" He didn't sound angry just surprised maybe.

"Uh..I-like...I just don't know any of them." I stutter.

"Jacks, you know all those guys, just like they know you."

"But I know their names, not them....I don't-its hard to explain.." I really don't know how to tell him how I feel about people my age. It's not that I'm insecure but that is part of it, its more of trust issues and not wanting to be associated with groups of people.

He looks at me for a little and keeps his hands on his hips. "I'll go get Landon, we can go home."

"Lucky, don't leave because of me."

But he had already jogged up the front steps and was back inside by the end of my sentence. A minute or two passes and the boys are both walking to the car. Landon reeks of weed and I wander how he is going to avoid Lucky's mom.

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