Nash Grier Imagines

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You wake up, excited as ever. Today was the day that you meet Magcon! Nash was your all time favorite. Your friend canceled at last minute and your Boyfriend, Sam wanted to go. He wasnt super excited, but he tagged along. You put on a Nash Grier
t-shirt and cut it to fit you. Then you wore short shorts. You hopped into the car, grabbing your phone, cash, and tickets. Once you got there, you hurried Sam and pulled him into Nash's line. The anticipation was killing you. Sam just mumbled something and you turned to him. "Sorry what was that?" You asked innocently. "None of your buisness." He said and looked at you.

What is wrong with him?! You have only wanted talked about the tickets for 3 months. He should be supportive.

It was soon your turn. The girl before you walked away and your heart was racing. You walked up to Nash and sat on his lap. "What is ypur name, beautiful?" He asked you and you couldnt think. Finally your name came out. "Its Y/n!" You say and he hugs you. Sam is over rolling his eyes. You kiss Nash's cheek and Sam pulls you away. "Bye Nash!" You yell as Sam tugs you away. He waved goodbye and moves on. After you looked away, his eyes followed you. "You! I cannot believe you kissed him!" Sam barks at you. "Sam, I have waited to meet these boys for years. I though you were supportive. And you yell at me? You kissed Megan Fox when you met her! And that was her lips!" You hissed back. "You were all over him and what am I suppost to do?!" He snarls at you, "Be your luggage? No, I wont be listening to your bitching. Not today. I mean what the hell Y/n!" He screams and your eyes drop. "I am not sorry for saying what I said." He hissed and walked away. Your eyes started to water. Tears are threatening, at a convention. No you didnt want to make a scene. You dont want to see any of the other boys while you are sad. Sam must not have known that ypu spent weeks worth of allowance to get these tickets. You went to pull out your keys and realized that Sam was your ride. You pulled put your phone but it is dead. "Ugh! Damn it!" You yell loud enough for someone to turn to you. You walk down the hallway so you can sit and cry. You plop down and dont realize that you are dozing off.

Soon you are awakened by a familiar voice. You look up to see Nash, hovering in front of you. You let out a yelp and relax again. "What are you doing back here, alone? Weren't you with your boyfriend?" He asks you and you wipe your tears again. He sat down next to you and was worried. "More like
ex-boyfriend. He called me a bitch and yelled at me for kissing your cheek when he kissed Megan Fox, on the lips." You frowned. He grabbed your hand. "He was also my ride. My phone died so I officially became screwed over." Nash looked at his feet. What is so interesting about his feet?! You say in your mind. You were both silent for about 5 minutes. Nash looks over at you and smiles. His dreamy blue eyes make you blush. You look down at your feet. Why am I looking at my feet now?! You think again as Nash helps you up. "Here, I will give you a ride." Nash offers and you accept it. You walk out to his car and he drives you home. The car ride was filled with laughter and smiles. Before you know it, you are at your house. Nash stops the engine and walks you to the door. Before he leaves you, he grabs a pen and writes his number on your hand. Then, he kisses you, making you blush. "Text me later?" He asks and you nod and thank him for the ride. He runs back out of the car to kiss you again. Sparks shoot your veins and you can hardly breathe. Once you pull away, you stay in his arms length. "I have to go now." Nash says and hugs you. "I will text you later!" You yell and walk into the house, soon flopping on the couch.


Not too good of an ending but...

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