Aaron Carpenter Imagines

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You ran down the stairs to the apartment you and Aaron share. He was still sleeping. Your parents were coming over today and you are making dinner. You turned the sterio on quietly so you could sing. Like That by: Jack and Jack (ft. Skate) turned on and you couldnt help but singing. "I AINT NEVER MET A GIRL, LIKE YOU, AND YOU'LL NEVER FIND A MAN, LIKE ME!" You started singing, getting louder and louder. You started making spagetti sauce and stirred it around. You liked Gilinsky's part the best. "YOU CAN HIT ME ON MY PHONE ANY TIME YOU WANT." You continued and Johnson started rapping. "WALKED UP ON TO THE SPOT, WE DO THIS A LOT, LIVING AT THE TOP, ATTENTION YOU CAUGHT MINE." You chanted the verses and moved your hips to the beat. You heard a familiar voice. "You got me going mad when you dress like that. Girl its a trap when you act like that. I aint even mad when you dress like that. I know you know your bad when you act like that." You stopped dead in your tracks and turned your head to see Aaron, up on the stairs singing. You were in a tee-shirt of his that was too big. "Babe, how long were you there?" You ask, face turning pink. "Ehh I woke up to yelling. I thought you burned yourself so I ran down." Aaron replied running down the steps to connect his lips with your. Dont Stop Believing came on and you started singing. "Just a small town girl, LIVIN IN A LONLY WORLD, SHE TOOK A MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOING ANYWHERE!" Aaron laughed and sang. "Just a city boy, BORN AND RAISED IN SOUTH DETROIT. HE TOOK A MIDNIGHT TRAIN GOING ANYWHERE!" He grabbed a spoon and strummed on it for the guitar part. Neither of us are from Detroit, but it is the thought that counts, right? He startes tickling you and you whipped away, flinging sauce at him. "Aaron! No!" You yell and start singing again. "Y/n! Yes!" He yells, grabbing your waist and tickling you. "I gotta cook babe!" You giggle as he lets go. You throw pasta into the pot and hum along to Nobody by Ricky Dillon. Aaron starts singing. "I dont want Nobody, Nobody but you." You feel yourself blushing. Your phone buzzed. Be there in 10. ~Mom xox

"We gotta get dressed!" You yell, " 10 minutes!" You rush up the stairs and throw on a dress and fix your hair. You are setting the table and hear a ding. You open the door to your loving parents. They have always loved Aaron like a son. You welcome them in a put the Pasta in bowls and throw some sauce on. Dinner is filled with laughter and smiles. Everyone had a great time. Once my parents left, you ran upstairs and threw on the shirt you were wearing earlier. Aaron was watching T.V. on the couch. You ran down and jumped into his lap. Your eyes were droopy and you drifted off to sleep.

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