Flower Power!

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"Wha- no! Not like that, Thomas!" You shout. Today you and Tom were working in the garden. You were showing him how to plant flowers in the flower boxes outside your window. So far, he has shown no progress since you began two hours ago and now he was putting the seeds in before the dirt.

"I thought this was what you showed me!" He was becoming frustrated and on the verge of giving up.

"Why would you put the seeds in first? That doesn't even make sense."

He groaned. "This is stupid, Y/N. I don't want to do this anymore."

You rolled your eyes as he stomped off to the lawn chairs. He put his sunglasses and hat on forcefully and sat down in the sun. You turned back to the flowers and dirt, annoyed. On occasion, you glanced back to look at him to find that he was laying in the same position as before. When you finished planting the seeds, you needed the hose to water them, only you weren't just going to water the flowers.

Before you started watering your seeds, you tiptoed over to Tom who you could hear was snoring. You covered your mouth to keep from laughing out. Without hesitation, you squeezed the hose handle and cold water came squirting out on to snoring Tom.

"Agh! Wha-! Aaah! Help-! Y/N stop!" He choked. You were crying with laughter as he tried to make it to his feet. You momentarily turned the water off to look at his dripping body. His shirt was soaked through. "What was that?!"

"I'm playing with you!" You giggled. You could see anger in his eyes but it vanished when he saw you fall into the grass, laughing. The anger turned to admiration, then mischief. He walked over to the soil and scooped up a handful. You immediately jumped to your feet to try and get away from him and his muddy hands.

"Get over here!"

"Never!" You shout breathlessly.

You forgot how much shorter you were compared to him and in an instant he was on top of you. The both of you rolled through the wet, muddy grass giggling. When you stopped, Tom stared deep into your eyes, grinning. He lowered his head to lock his lips with yours until you felt something slimy touch your cheek.

"Ew! Thomas!" You screeched. You wiggled free and wiped the mud off of your cheeks.

He laughed. "Oh come on," his pitch changed to where he was mocking you, "I'm playing with you! "

"Well," you giggled, "we still have flowers to water."

Maybe not just flowers.

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