Chapter 3: Stars?

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"And that over there is the toy store Taehyung would want to take you to everyday"  Jin giggled while driving by a cute little toy store on the corner. I smiled "that's cute! Wow you guys sound awesome!" I said with excitement. Jin smiled back at me "yup! We are! Haha! Oh we're almost home just around this corner" Jin said as he turned

I looked out the window "which one is our house?" I asked

"This one! Welcome home Y/N!"

I turned to see a beautiful tan colored house it was vary big! It looked as if the Queen of England lived in it

"Wow!! Is this really where I live?! Oh my god!" I squealed with delight unbuckling my seatbelt and jumping out of the car

Jin smiled as he watched me "fangirl" over the house

'So cute' he thought

I turn to Jin "come on come on!! I want to meet the boys! And see my room!!" I ran up to him as he opened his car door

"Okay! Wow your vary excited"

"Of course! This is all new to me!!"

Jin smiled

Wow this guy is really sweet and handsome I can't wait to cook with him
I hope the other boys are like him!

Jin raised his arm
"shall we?" He smiled
"We shall" I smiled back interlocking our arms together

I opened the door




I suddenly felt something push me and I fell on my back I opened my eyes to see a pair of big brown eyes

"Y-Y/N?!" He blushed

"U-umm" I blushed

He quickly got up

"Oh my! I'm sorry!!" He helped me up
"It's all good ...taehyung?..right?"

"Ya! Lol you remember me?"

"Yes from the hospital"

"TAE GIVE IT BACK" a boy yelled but then stopped when he sow me

"U-umm.." He blushed
"Kookie what do you want me too give back too you~? " Taehyung smirked at him then looked at me
"Hyung...give me a brake..." Jungkook blush looking away

"Say it~"


"Sayyyy itttt~" Taehyung sung


"Hey Kookie did you get your Bat Man underwear back?" a vary tall man asked

Jungkook's face went all red ...he looked like a tomato
Taehyung then revealed a par of Bat Man underwear Jungkook quickly toke it out of his hands and ran into the house embarrassed

Poor guy..

"Y/N is home?!" I heard a voice ask
I looked and sow a boy with a huge smile that kind of reminded me of a heart

"Hello~!" I smiled

"It is!! Yay! Come in!" The boy insisted

I nodded my head and stepped into the house followed by Taehyung and Jin. The house was very beautiful i look up to see a pretty chandelier
Ahead of me was A long staircase
Everything was vary light colored

"Okay! So your room is up stairs follow me~!"

I followed the smiling boy up the stairs
Wow he really has a beautiful smile I can already tell he's full of joy!

"My name is Hoseok but you can call me J Hope ...or your Angel hehe" he chuckled

"Haha J Hope..that's a cool nickname! Why do they call you that?" I asked

"Well it's b-" he was interrupted by a loud crashing noise from the room next to us
the door had a big note that read "GO AWAY IM WORKING"
J Hope quickly knocked on the door

" okay in there"

"FUCK!! ..Ya sure whatever!" Yoongi said in a frustrated tone of voice

"Are are you sure? Want us to come in and help?" I asked

No response

"....he'll be fine come on your room is r-"

J Hope was interrupted again

"Y/N?" Yoongi asked as he opened the door

I smiled "yes! Your name is Yoongi right?"

He looked really surprise to see me I could tell he was really happy

"Y-Ya but some people call me Suga" he gave me a little smile and leaned against the door

"Cool! Umm...what happen?" I asked trying to look into his room
He moved his head to block me from looking at his room
"Oh nothing it's all good now" he said
I gave him a confused look "it sounded as if a bomb exploded..are you sure?" I chuckled

"HOSEOK!!! I NEED YOU!" We Heard a call out from down stairs

"Jin Hyung! I'm showing Y/N around!!"

"Go" Yoongi said "I'll show her"

J Hope gave a sad look "fine see you later Y/N~" he smiled at me and walked away

"So he was going to take you to your room?"Yoongi asked i nodded
"It's right next to mine come on" he said beginning to walk towards my room I followed behind

He opened my door for me and let me in first
The room was not too big not too small the walls were (Color) and the bed was big
"You like it? You should because you picked out ever thing when we moved in I helped you paint the walls and put in the rug that was like 2 years ago" he smiled

"I have good taste in design haha" I smiled with delight and jumped on my bed laying down looking up at the ceiling there was little stars on it...

"Hey Yoongi"


"What's with all the stars?" I asked still looking at them
Suddenly the lights turned off and the stars were glowing! It was amazing!
"Wow! Yoongi this is beautiful!" I laughed
"You and I put them up" he said rubbing his neck and blushing but you didn't see that you were still staring at the beautiful site

"Hey I'm going back to my room okay?" Yoongi said
"Nae~" i smiled sitting up looking at him
He smiled at me and left my room

I let out a big sigh and lay back on my bed looking up at the stars
Yoongi seems nice and chill
I really like his smile and his eyes are vary attractive
specially when we were on that hill one night looking up at the stars on his birthday last year haha

Wait.... did I just remember something?...


Thank you for reading!

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