Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Emilee's P. O. V.

Me and Riley never expected this.

We didn't exactly know what we were doing.

But we knew one thing.

We were gonna be huge.

It's not like we didn't want it, we've always wanted to be famous and just get on stage and sing our own songs. But we just thought we weren't that good.

Only singing at bars,clubs and the big fair held every summer here in The small town of East Alton, Illinois. It's a few miles outside of St. Louis .

You could say we're inexperienced at a lot of things, like entertaining big crowds or writing our own songs, but then you'd be lying to yourself because when you get all the people from East Alton, Wood River, and Hartford(all towns outside of East Alton) to the fair's stadium,it's a big crowd. And me and Riley do write our own songs but we do covers when we do the fair just because I like it when people sing along with me. It gives me some sort of new found energy. I ain't know about Riley but that's not important. Lol just kidding.

Riley's POV

So your probably thinking that I'm gonna say the same thing as Emilee, well I was but since you know everything that happened to us.... well you don't know how we became famous so let me just tell you that part


Emilee and I were at our part time job a family owned diner

" come on Riley we're gonna be late" " well I'm sorry I wanna look good". Now Emilee and I are at the karaoke place that we love an we're about to go on. We decided to sing the song "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds because are favorite movie is The Breakfast Club. Emilee's and I boyfriends were there too, to give us support. After we were done Jake and Caleb (our boyfriends) were backstage and gave us flowers then when we were about to leave a guy came up to me and Emilee and gave us a card with a name and number on it and he told us to call it tomorrow. The next day we decided to call the number and the man from last night picked up the phone and told us to come downtown for a recording. So we did he then called us back a couple days after that and now were in England. It was hard to say goodbye to Jake and Caleb but we told them that we will Skype and text them everyday.

~present time~

So here we are now England, on are way to this record company for a meeting with the man in charge. While we were in the car Emilee was sleeping, like she does ALL the time, I start hearing sirens. So,you know,my natural instinct was to pull over so that the police could pass but it didn't instead it stayed behind me. GREAT. Best way to make a first impression on England.

When the officer got out and came to my window, I noticed he was short, chubby and had a creepy, but really awesome looking mustache.

"Ma'am do you know how fast you were going?"

"Um, I don't know, like 45??"

"Yeah and this is a 35 zone, I'm gonna need to see your license and registration, please."

" Um, well ya see, uh, I don't have my license..."

" And why is that?"

" Well we just came here from America and I haven't had time to get a British one.."

"Okay, well in that case, I'm gonna need you to step out of the car, ma'am."

" What!?!? This can't be happening! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? I NEED TO BE PLACES!!"

"Assaulting an officer? Please get out of the car ma'am, and please wake up your friend."


"Please wake up your friend and get out of the car."

" Ugggghhhhh, EMILEE, WAKE UP!!"

" Huh, what? What's going on? Where am I? What year is it?"


" What did you do Riley to get us arrested?!"

"I 'assaulted an officer'" I said in a mocking voice. We got out of the car and Emilee looked dazed and confused. She always looks like that when she wakes up from like a nap or something. It's too funny. And now she just looks super confused from all of this.

"Well I'm taking the both of you down to the station. Anything you say can and will be held against you." I looked over at Emilee and smiled when he said that because I knew exactly what she was thinking.

We got into the car and it was a short trip, like 5-10 minutes. When we got there, he said we only had one call for the both of us....

We only knew one person here that could get us out of that place. And he certainly wasn't gonna be happy


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