Chapter 9

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"I'm surprised you answered. To be honest." He said adding a little sigh of relief.

"What do you want Jake?"

"I want to get you back."


Liam's POV

"Oh, Harry!! I loved your dance moves!! Especially the Sprinkler!!" Right about now, the boys and I are making fun if Harry's dance moves from earlier. "Good. I'm glad you liked them. I did learn from the best." Harry said looking over at Louis. Louis didn't really notice he was staring off in la la land. We're back at the house now all just hanging out in the living room telling Zayn about what happened. I'm pretty sure he had an asthma attack when we told him Emilee knew that song. We all sorta left Harry alone for awhile but kept making remarks every now and again. A little bit later Niall and Louis said they were gonna go up to bed. I wanted to talk to Harry for a minute because once we got back into the car after we dropped the girls off, he looked a little out of it. I was really hoping Zayn would get up and leave already, not trying to be rude, but I needed to talk to Harry. After about like 10 minutes of silence, Zayn finally said he was gonna go upstairs and he either said go to sleep or go to creep but I wasn't paying attention. I was happy he was going up to bed.

"So, how have you been Harry?" I asked, trying to be nonchalant. He looked over at me with a confused look.

"Um, good. I guess.."

"Listen, here's the thing. Earlier when we got into the car after we dropped the girls off, you looked a little out of it. Like you had something on your mind? I guess I was just wondering what's up." I told him. Getting straight to the point. He had the "ooohhh" look on his face. He was a little hesitant to answer so I guess he was deciding whether to lie or tell me the truth. "You know you can always tell me anything, right?" He looked over at me and loudly sighed. I'm glad that worked.

"Okay, well um, I really fancy Riley-"

"Oh really?" I asked cutting him off. It's been clear to everyone that he fancies her. He glared at me for interrupting him. I just shrugged and apologized.

"As I was saying, on the way to their house, I think I either told her that she shouldn't be with that jerk or that I professed my love for her.." What.

"What do you mean 'professed your love for her'?!" He explained to me everything that happened in the car. Oh goodness.

"Liam, I don't know what to do now."

"Well, do you?"

"Do I what?" He asked clearly confused.

"Do you love Riley?" I said like it was the obvious answer. He took a little while to answer.

"I don't know. How do you know you love someone? And besides we've literally have only known each other for about a week. And most of that week, she spent crying over her ex-boyfriend. When did you realize you loved Dani?" He asked all at once.

"I think you know you love someone when they start making you feel like nothing else matters. And when you're with that person, it feels like it couldn't get better than that. Or your day is 100% better when you just think about that person. Your heart starts beating an ticking faster an faster, just because you had one little thought.And just because you've only known each other for a week or so doesn't mean you could love someone, heck, I've seen people meet and about three days later they love each other. But, when I realized I loved Dani was on our fourth date. We went to the beach and just spent the whole day there, talking and having a good time. I realized that I loved Dani because I never felt like that with any other girl. I think Zayn feels like that with Perrie." I said.It was quite awhile before Harry finally said anything.

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