Chapter 5

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But instead her phone rang. Harry looked at the caller I.D and looked confused and a little hurt.

"Who's Jake?"


Harry's POV

Riley just fell asleep on my lap, she's so cute when she's asleep. Then all of a sudden someone's phone went off. It was Riley's. I looked at the caller I.D. It said "Jake<3"

"Who's Jake?" I asked out loud to see if anyone would answer. Emilee probably would cause she's the only one who knows.

"That's Riley's boyfriend." Emilee said like it was whatever.


I answered the phone, Emilee probably wanted to but I had it.

"Hey babe! You finally answered! I thought you forgot about calling when you'd land?"

"Uh, hi. This is Harry.." Wow, this is awkward.

"Harry who? Where's Riley?"

"She fell asleep on my lap."

"Where's Emilee?" He's starting to get testy..

"Sitting next to me."

"Well let me talk to her."

"Okay. Emilee, he wants to talk to you.."

"Okay, hand it here." She said with a sigh.

I handed her the phone an their conversation kinda just went like 'No, they just met', 'She fell asleep watching the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.', 'No, she loves you.', 'I'll tell her you called. Bye.'

She hung up with a sigh. It kinda sounded like she was annoyed.

"What'd he waaant??" Louis asked.

"He wanted to talk to Riley, I'm guessing." Really Liam????? Note the sarcasm there.

"Yeah.." Emilee said like she was still annoyed.

"What's the matter, Em?" Perrie asked.

"Oh, it's just that Jake has always been like this."

"Like what?"

"Jealous. Doubtful. Annoying. He would always think she was with someone else, like one time we were gonna go shopping but he literally followed us just to make sure we were actually going shopping. And he calls her like non-stop. Like every hour. It gets annoying. Especially when he doesn't seem too trustworthy." Emilee ranted.

"What do you mean by not too trustworthy?" I asked.

"I was reading something in a magazine when I went to the doctor one time that if your 'significant other' calls you like within an hour of each other, they are more than likely cheating on you. Then before that I thought I saw him making out with a girl, but I wasn't sure if it was him and I didn't want to worry Riley so I asked him about it but he just said no so I just left it alone. But, he just still seems so weird. And sometimes I feel bad for not telling Riley about it but I don't want to hurt her.... But anyway, just tell her he called later or he'll get mad she didn't call back then they'll be in this little heated argument about it then make up 5 minutes later and talk all mushy-gushy-lovey-dovey and stuff."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Danielle asked Emilee.

"Yeah, I do. His names Caleb. He's nowhere near crazy like Jake. Reminds me, I have to call him later.."

"Ooh! Let me see a picture!!" Perrie yelled getting a little too excited. She showed us all a picture and he was pretty handsome, not trying to sound creepy or anything. I think I saw a flicker of jealousy in Louis' eyes but I couldn't really tell cause I was too busy thinking about Riley and Jake.

Man, if I was her boyfriend, I wouldn't ever doubt her. And the whole cheating thing, how could someone cheat on Riley? She's just so adorable and cute and funny and- okay, I'm rambling but hey, she's just so perfect, as cliche as that sounds, it's just so true.

One day, I'll make sure Riley's mine.

One day.......


Riley's POV

I woke up to laughter... What's going on? Who's laughing? I hear Emilee's laughter cause her laughters so distinguishable. Maybe cause we're best good friends... But I opened my eyes and I saw that Tarzan was on. This is one of Emilee's favourite movies, I bet she's loving this.

I realised that I was laying on someone's lap. I don't really remembered what happened before I fell asleep, just that we were watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and I was sitting close to Harry. Maybe I'm on Harry's lap..?

I got up to look who's lap I was on. I was right, it was Harry. When I looked at him he gave me a cheeky grin. I smiled back at him.

"Your boyfriend, Jake, called." He told me.

"Oh crap! I forgot to call him!! Emilee why didn't you remind me!?" I yelled and ran out of the room. After I ran into the bathroom I realized my phone wasn't in my pocket. So I had to run all the way back in there to get my phone and then ran back to the bathroom.

I dialed the oh-so familiar number and put it up to my ear, just to let it ring forever.

After about the 7th ring, I decided to just give up and call back later. Then the oh-so familiar voice rang through my ear.

"Hello. Riley? Is this you ?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry about not answering your phone call earlier. I was napping."

"Yeah, I know. I talked to your little friend, Harry, who you were sleeping on."

"It wasn't like that. I fell asleep with my head on his shoulder and I guess my head just went down.."

"Oh, so you fell asleep on his shoulder? God, I knew this would happen."

"Knew what would happen?"

"That you would go to England and find some British guy you'd leave me for."

"Why don't you trust me? You always ask me if I'm going to see another guy. Why can't you just see that I love you and stop being a jerk about it?"

"Well, don't you remember my ex-girlfriend? She cheated on me and I thought I loved her. I don't want the same thing to happen to us because I love you , too. More than you know." Aww. Why is he making me feel guilty now?

"Then why can't you just trust me and let me sleep on a guy's shoulder when you're not there for me? Or not call me every hour of the day." That gets annoying, lemme tell ya.

"Because you're mine no one else's!"

"I can't even talk to other guys without you getting mad!"

"Well maybe if you didn't talk to other guys I wouldn't get mad!"

"The only boys I ever really talk to is my brother's friends and they're 13!!

You get mad over that!" This is just ridiculous!

"Well you want to talk to other guys, that's fine. I don't care anymore." He said real serious.

"What are you saying?" I asked. Hoping it wasn't what I was thinking.


Haayyy guuuys!!!!

So, I wrote some of this chapter riding through Illinois. If any of you ever rode through Illinois, I feel your frustration. It's like riding through Kansas except there's farmhouses and some other boring things but hey, whatever....

Well, I don't have anything else to say, so bye!!

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