Chapter 7

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 -(Still) Harry P.O.V

I had said that I asked Alex out. Louis dropped the bags he had been holding.

" Did I hear you correct?" Louis asked.

" Yes." I said.

" Nice! Where is she?" Zayn asked.

" Upstairs, I'll get her." I then headed upstairs all they unloaded the stuff. I was about to knock on her door, when I heard her talking on the phone.

" Hey Lizzy! Yeah! Wait, how'd you know he asked me to go sailing and stuff? You'll text me later okay? Good, I have to call Sophie! Sophie? Oh my god he asked me out! How'd all my friends know? Twitter? He asked how to ask the girl of his dreams out? Oh. I need to get a Twitter. Your at work? Okay text you the details about it later. OK at got to go, Louis and them are back, we are going to make cupcakes. Bye!" I smiled. I heard her go over to her dresser or something. I knocked on the door. She opened it and smiled.

" Hi, are they back?" She asked looking down the hall toward the stair case.

" Yeah, come on let's go make cupcakes!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs and plopped on the couch. Louis looked at us funny. He looked like he was thinking about something, deeply.

" Did you guys come up with an idea?" Zayn asked.

" Yeah, we are going to frost them put cherries on then put sprinkles on them, if you want." Alex said. She then hopped up and sat on the counter. She does that a lot. Maybe to feel taller. I mean she is taller then Louis, so she's like 5'10.

" Cool." Niall said to her. I leaned over the island.

" Alex get off the counter." Louis said. I looked at her she rolled her eyes.

" No."

" Now."

" Later." Louis gave her a look as " or else' look. She just rolled her eyes again. Louis then walked over to her, now her being taller. He reached out to grab her when she screamed really loud. He backed away, then tried again. Screaming. I laughed.

" Come on Alex, let's bake." I walked over to her and stood next to Louis. She then hopped down and stood next to me. Louis mouth dropped open.

" But, I just, and you didn't, and why is when Harry asks you do it, and when I ask you won't do it?" Louis asked.

" I don't know." Alex just shrugged and leaned on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her stomach area. Louis looked at us suspiciously. He narrowed his eyes at Alex, and pursed his lips. She did the same. I laughed as Niall and Liam set all the stuff we need down.

" What kind of batter did you get?" She asked.

" Chocolate!" Niall jumped up and down. She giggled. I looked at Louis he was just staring at us. We had baked, eaten, laughed, smiled, all of us. Alex had chocolate on the side of her cheek, because we had a food fight. Which Liam volunteered to clean up. Alex offered to help but he told her not to worry about it. I was cover with sprinkles and icing. Zayn had a small spot of chocolate on his arm. He hide so it wouldn't get in his hair. Louis had it the worse, he had chocolate on his face, and clothes, sprinkles all in his hair, and frost on top of that, and lots of cherries. Niall had a splat of frosting on his forehead. It turns out, Alex can throw really well. I mean she has really good aim. She hit Louis right on his chest, just where she wanted to. She and I attacked Louis. He just screamed tried to hit us but missed and tried to stay covered. It was around 11 when we finished. Alex said to save one cupcake for her homework. We agreed not to eat one. She went up stairs to go to bed. Zayn went to bed, and Niall and Liam stayed to clean up the kitchen. Louis and I weren't tired so we went up stairs to watch T.V. We walked into Louis room, he shut the door and locked it.

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