Chapter 10

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I look around ad notice we are the only ones in the theater. The movie starts and I didn't pay any attention to it i just looked over and say Camila's eyes glued to the screen with a huge smile on her face. I didn't notice how long i was staring at her until she noticed me. "What are you staring at?" "You" We don't say anything else an i put my arm around her, her smile grows and she rests her head on me. Wow that was easier than i though it would be, I stop staring at her and actually watch the movie. Not to much later or so it feels, the movie ends and i look over to see Camila in tears "What that was beautiful" "If i cried every time i saw something beautiful I'd be crying when i see you" we get up and leave the theater and walk towards the exit. On our way out we see Katlyn "goodnight Katlyn" Camila calls "Night" she calls back. "Anywhere else you want to go?" I ask not knowing its nearly 10 o'clock at night "No you can take me home now" "Yes ma'am" We walk to the car and get in. I drive her home "Thank you Jermaine i had a really fun time" was the last thing i remember hearing before i open my eyes and we're kissing. We finish and pull away "Goodnight beautiful" "Night" she gets out of the car and walks to her front door, before opening the door she turns and waves goodbye. I pull out of the driveway and drive off home. On my way home i get a text from Camila that reads "So how was that as a first date?" I reply saying "Tbh that was my first date with anyone and I wouldn't want to have it with anyone but you"

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